American Key Figures
British Key Figures
Fighting & Negotiating

What was Horatio Gates's role in the American Revolutionary War?

Horatio Gates served as a major general in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He is most notably remembered for his decisive victory at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777, which is considered a turning point in the war.


Which city did British General Howe successfully occupy and defend in 1777?

British General Howe successfully occupied and defended Philadelphia in 1777.


What is considered to be the first victory for the Americans?

Lexington and Concord


What is a defensive war?

a war to protect one’s own land, on familiar ground, from outside attackers


What happened after Nathanael Greene first decided to fight with the Patriots?

He was expelled by the Quakers.


What critical mistake did Lord Cornwallis make?

Lord Cornwallis made the mistake of camping on a peninsula at Yorktown.


What agreement did Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams negotiate in 1783?

Treaty of Paris, 1783


What are fortifications?

structures built to protect a place from attack


What famous phrase did Abigail Adams write to her husband? What did she mean by it?

Abigail Adams wrote "Remember the ladies," urging her husband to ensure that the new nation's laws would offer women protection and rights, highlighting her advocacy for gender equality.


What route did John Burgoyne take with his troops?

Quebec to Albany through Lake Champlain


Why was fighting against the British Royal Navy a challenge for the Americans?

The British Royal Navy was the largest and most powerful navy in the world.


What is espionage?

the practice of spying to obtain information


What did Sybil Ludington do one night in 1777?

Sybil Ludington rode more than 40 miles in a single night to warn Patriot forces of a British attack.


How did Henry Clinton recruit enslaved men to join the British Army?

General Henry Clinton offered freedom to enslaved men who joined the British Army.


What battle effectively ended the Revolutionary War?

 Who are the leaders involved in the victory?

Battle of Yorktown

George Washington, Comte de Rochambeau, Comte de Grasse


Why was fighting a defensive war an advantage for the Americans?

The Americans were fighting on familiar land.


What role did George Rogers Clark play in the Revolution?

His surprise attack on Fort Vincennes halted the joint British-Native American offensives.


What was the plan General Howe had for British troops? How did he change it?

General Howe planned to for his troops, General Burgoyne's troops, and St. Leger's troops to meet in Albany, New York. Howe went to Philadelphia instead.


Why were Benjamin Franklin and John Adams able to persuade France into an official alliance in 1777?

1. France hated Britain due to their loss in the French and Indian War and almost all of their territory in North America.

2. The Battles of Saratoga victories offered leverage.


Who is responsible for helping the Americans create fortifications?

Tadeusz Kosciuszko (Polish military engineer)
