Zebulon Pike
This missionary was friendly with the Dakota
Stephan Riggs
This missionary helped translate the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux so that the Dakota could understand it.
Stephan Riggs
This man was sent by the U.S. government to help write the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux
Alexander Ramsey
Who wanted to use treaty money to assimilate the Indians? (you need 2 answers)
Missionaries (like Stephen Riggs) and the United States government (Alexander Ramsey).
Which Native American group was the FIRST to sign treaties to give away some of their land?
This person was an Indian Agent at Fort Snelling
Lawrence Taliaferro
In the Treaty of Traverse de Sioux, The Dakota were promised annuities of ________,_________ and __________ for the next 50 years
The Dakota were promised annuities of CASH, FOOD and GOODS for the next 50 years