Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Which of the following students provides the most accurate information about the current importance of mental imagery and spatial skills?

"Spatial ability plays a very important part in careers related to science and technology."


Suppose that you have a mental image of your favorite male actor. If that image is stored in a propositional code, the representation would emphasize

a language-like description.


Why do researchers in the area of mental imagery need to be concerned about experimenter expectancy?

Experimenters might somehow convey their hypotheses to the participants.


According to the discussion of the history of research on mental imagery

the popularity of mental imagery increased as cognitive psychology became more influential.


Those who argue that we store mental imagery information in terms of propositions would claim that

storage is most like language.


From the research on mental imagery for the positions of the hands on a clock, we can conclude that

people with high mental imagery ability perform this task faster than people with low mental imagery ability


One of the most difficult problems in conducting research on imagery is that

it is difficult to examine such an inaccessible mental process.


The research on mental rotation has shown that

young people are typically faster than elderly people in the speed of their mental 



According to the research on mental imagery and shape, people take longer to make a judgment when two mental images have similar shapes than when they have different shapes. This finding tends to support

the analog-code approach


In the Shepard and Metzler study, people judged whether two figures that were indifferent orientations were the same or different. What did this study demonstrate?

The amount of rotation necessary before making "same-different" judgments 

influences decision speed.


Psychologists have studied how deaf individuals perform on mental rotation tasks when they are fluent in American Sign Language. The research shows that these individuals

make fewer errors than other people, because they are accustomed to viewing a scene from a different perspective


The research on mental imagery and ambiguous figures suggests that

some imagery tasks use a propositional code, but others use an analog code
