A word that describes substance that allows only certain molecules through
What is semi-permeable?
This is a substance that is dissolved in a solution
This uses ATP to maintain membrane potential
These molecules have a hydrophilic head, and hydrophobic tail and make up plasma membranes
What are phospholipids?
The largest living mammal
What is a blue whale?
A word that describes a molecule with hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions
What is amphipathic?
Channel and carrier proteins perform this type of cellular transport
What is facilitated diffusion?
An example of something that uses active transport
What is a sodium/potassium pump?
What is pino/phagocytosis?
The factors that affect fluidity of plasma membrane
What are temperature and nature of fatty acids?
This is the year that a nobel prize winning discovery that was made through the efforts of Watson, Crick and Franklin
When was 1953?
What is exocytosis?
This process moves solutes against their concentration gradients, requiring the input of energy
What is Active transport?
This carries ions across a membrane using this method
What are gated ion channels that use facilitated diffusion?
This is the difference between phagocytosis and pinocytosis
What is eating vs. drinking?
The hardest substance in the human body
What is tooth enamel?
This solution state means that there is more solute on the outside of the cell
This molecule maintains membrane fluidity
What is cholesterol?
This type of protein is used for transport
What are integral proteins?
This solution state produces a far worse result in animal cells than in plant cells
What is hypotonic?
This is the number that represents the ratio of number of insects present on earth relative to one human?
What is 1:170 million?
A difference in electrical charge across a cells membrane due to the differential distribution of ions
What is membrane potential?
Osmoregulation is how cells deal with changes in solute concentration, this is an example of one method of osmoregulation
What are contractile vacuoles?
What is the cell wall?
Pumps that create membrane potential, that are required for ATP synthesis
Electrogenic pumps
This process involves:specific substances bind to receptors, when enough bind they cluster and break out into a vesicle on the interior of the cell
What is receptor-mediated endocytosis?
The Scoville heat unit measures this
What is spiciness of food?