Patriot Selfie!
Loyal Selfie!
Battles with Dabbing
Mystery 1
Mystery 2
In their revisions to the Declaration of Independence, Georgia and South Carolina removed A) any mention of the issue of slavery. B) the phrase “give me liberty or give me death.” C) any mention of the natural equality of “all men.” D) the theory that the king staged Pontiac's Rebellion.
A) any mention of the issue of slavery.
What did the British General William Howe do after the victory at Bunker Hill? A) He pursued the Americans fleeing from Boston. B) He retreated to Boston. C) He abandoned Boston. D) He attacked Boston directly.
B) He retreated to Boston.
Which Indian people sided with the Americans during the war? A) Mohawk B) Cayuga C) Seneca D) Oneida
D) Oneida
What was the American strategy in the war with Britain? A) Maintain and protect all the seaports. B) Keep a strong force in New York. C) Turn back and defeat the invading armies. D) Utilize the state militias as much as possible.
C) Turn back and defeat the invading armies.
In his radical pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine encouraged Americans to A) declare independence from Great Britain. B) ignore calls for a republican government. C) form an alliance with France. D) revolt against wealthy urban merchants.
A) declare independence from Great Britain.
Which statement characterizes the continental dollars authorized by the congress in 1775? A) The dollars were backed by silver but not gold. B) The dollars were merely paper backed by no precious metals. C) The dollars were backed by gold but at only half the value. D) The dollars were backed by gold at full value.
B) The dollars were merely paper backed by no precious metals.
How did the British army treat prisoners of war? A) The British provided all prisoners with ample food. B) The army paid for captives' material needs. C) British leaders treated prisoners worse than criminals. D) The army sent prisoners to Massachusetts encampments.
C) British leaders treated prisoners worse than criminals.
What did the British government do after capturing Philadelphia in September 1777? A) Offered independence to the Americans if they released all prisoners of war B) Convinced France and Spain to join the war on the side of the British C) Proposed a negotiated settlement that did not include American independence D) Offered increased monarchial protection if the patriots surrendered
C) Proposed a negotiated settlement that did not include American independence
How did American Indians respond to the outbreak of war? A) They hoped at first to stay neutral before being forced to choose sides. B) Indians voted unanimously to join the British side during the war. C) They convinced the rebels to give them a say in important decisions. D) Indians embraced the revolutionary cause from the onset of hostilities.
A) They hoped at first to stay neutral before being forced to choose sides.
How did the congress raise the necessary troops for the Continental army? A) It offered land grants to those who committed for the war's duration. B) The congress relied exclusively on the trained local militias. C) It promised freedom for any slaves who joined the army. D) The congress required that soldiers sign on for five years of service.
A) It offered land grants to those who committed for the war's duration.
Women served in the Continental army by A) publicly enlisting in the military. B) performing domestic tasks. C) spying on British commanders. D) sewing American flags.
B) performing domestic tasks.
In August 1777, instead of sailing north up the Hudson River, General Howe chose which surprising military strategy? A) He invaded Fort Stanwix. B) He remained in Manhattan. C) He sailed to Philadelphia. D) He forged an alliance with Mohawk Indians.
C) He sailed to Philadelphia.
Which event led to the end of the Revolutionary War at Yorktown? A) Lafayette's arrival at Yorktown from the west B) The introduction of more sophisticated cannons C) The French forces taking control of the Chesapeake D) General Cornwallis's cowardly retreat
C) The French forces taking control of the Chesapeake
What was the content of the first article of the Treaty of Paris? A) The king recognized the independence of the United States. B) The Indians retained their land in the Ohio Valley. C) Loyalists' land was to be returned to them as soon as possible. D) The Americans were given Florida and half of Louisiana.
A) The king recognized the independence of the United States.
At the time of the war with Britain, white women A) were forbidden to discuss politics without the approval of their husbands. B) participated in public political rallies aimed at boosting morale. C) were allowed to join the army if and when male recruits became scarce. D) began to participate in politics through discussion and fundraising.
D) began to participate in politics through discussion and fundraising.
As manpower needs in the Continental army increased, A) the southerners allowed their black slaves to serve. B) Indians were promised the return of their land if they enlisted. C) about twenty thousand black men enlisted to fight. D) free blacks were welcomed into service in the northern states.
D) free blacks were welcomed into service in the northern states.
How did news of Benedict Arnold's treason affect the war? A) It ended rebel support in the South for good. B) It caused the French to withdraw their support from the Americans. C) It caused American morale to sink to an all-time low. D) Arnold's treason inspired renewed patriotism in America.
D) Arnold's treason inspired renewed patriotism in America.
What was the American strategy in the war with Britain? A) Maintain and protect all the seaports. B) Keep a strong force in New York. C) Turn back and defeat the invading armies. D) Utilize the state militias as much as possible.
C) Turn back and defeat the invading armies.
After five and a half years of fighting, how long did it take to negotiate peace and evacuate the British from its former colonies? A) One month B) Nine months C) Two years D) Five years
C) Two years
What did the peace that began in 1783 mean for the Indians? A) Only a temporary lull in fighting B) The beginning of the reservation system C) The temporary return of their land D) Unification with the new United States
A) Only a temporary lull in fighting
What was one of the many weaknesses of the Continental army? A) It was undermanned. B) It was fighting on its own soil. C) Loyalists infiltrated its ranks. D) It fought for an unpopular cause.
A) It was undermanned.
In the Olive Branch Petition of July 1775, congressional moderates proposed that A) the king immediately remove all British troops from America. B) American colonial assemblies be recognized as individual parliaments. C) the king remove all legislation imposed by Parliament in the colonies. D) colonists sever their connections with the British monarchy.
B) American colonial assemblies be recognized as individual parliaments.
What was the significance of the Continental army's campaign in Montreal and Quebec? A) It showed that the war was more than a reaction to the invasion of Massachusetts. B) British troops stationed in Montreal turned back the American forces. C) The Continental army quickly and bloodlessly captured Quebec. D) The mission was foiled when Indians in the area joined British troops.
A) It showed that the war was more than a reaction to the invasion of Massachusetts.
Relationships between Americans and Indians during the war were increasingly characterized by A) violent anti-Indian campaigns. B) cooperation in fighting the British. C) mutual respect forged through difficult battles. D) cooperation because the Indians allied with the French.
A) violent anti-Indian campaigns.
Many of the most visible and dedicated loyalists (also called Tories by their enemies) came from which group? A) Maryland Catholics B) Wealthy merchants C) Urban Quakers D) New England landowners
B) Wealthy merchants