What is an idol?
A false god. An image or representation of something or someone to be worshipped instead of God.
What did God do when the Israelites complained that they did not have water?
He gave them water from a rock.
What is a covenant?
A sacred agreement.
If the Ten Commandments are like road signs, to whom do they point us?
What did the Israelites ask for?
A king
What does it mean to be faithful?
Loyal, follow God, obey the 10 commandments
What did God do when the Israelites complained that they were hungry?
He gave them manna.
What do the Ten Commandments show us how to do?
Love God and others
Do the Ten Commandments lead us to a life of virtue or vice?
Who was the father of God's chosen people?
What is a vice?
A pattern of sin that corrupts our character.
What did God do when the Israelites were trapped by the Red Sea?
He divided the Red Sea
What idol did the Israelites have?
A golden calf
What happened after the Israelites worshipped the golden calf?
They asked for forgiveness and God forgave them.
What did the nation of Israel become when God gave them a king?
The Kingdom of Israel
What is manna?
Food given to the Isrealites.
What did God do when the Israelites cried out to Him for help?
He sent Moses to free them.
How long does a covenant last?
As long as both sides are faithful.
What did God send to force the Egyptians to let the Israelites go?
What kind of kingdom did God promise to King David?
An everlasting kingdom
What is the Kingdom of Isreal?
The descendants of the 12 sons of Isreal, who had grown into a great nation and were formed into a Kingdom through God's Covenant with David.
Who enslaved God's Chosen People?
The Egyptians
What did Moses receive from God on Mount Sinai?
The ten commandments
Cheating, laziness, gossiping, using bad language, bullying
What were the Chosen People waiting for?
A savior