This president during the US Civil War was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on April 14th, 1865.
Who was Abraham Lincoln? Assassinated 5 days after the Civil War ended.
Name two Union states
Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania other answers
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!! What document did Lincoln issue declaring that all slaves are free?
Emancipation Proclamation
Fugitive Slave Act (Law) of 1851.
What made it illegal to help runaway slaves and able to bring escaped or Free people back to the South and enslavement?
The South (Rebels or Confederates) side needed slaves for their Slave Economy which brutalized the enslaved people.
Which of the two sides of the US Civil War wanted to keep slavery?
13th amendment.
Officially abolished (outlawed) slavery in the US. January 31st, 1865.
Where was a slave ultimately free? ("Promised Land")
Someone who was against the enslaved labor of the South.
What was an abolitionist?
Christian Group against slavery who helped the escaping slaves going north by hiding them in their houses, barns, etc.
The Quakers.
Why would women in the United States, before the 19th Amendment in August, 1920, want equal rights and the right to vote?
The Constitution declares that all "men"are created equa.l Many women can do all of the same things as men, and things they cannot do, so women should be treated equally. This did include Black women, but the Southern states, found ways to still limit the Black vote. (and for men too).
Lasted from 1861 to 1865.
What was the time period of the US Civil War
Harriet Tubman's cover name.
What Moses, modeled after Moses in the Bible who led the Israelites out of Egypt.