Dogs barked. What is the independent clause and verb?
Independent clause : dogs Verb: barked
The whistle blew, the drum rolled, and the crowd cheered. What are the subjects, verbs, and coordinator conjuction?
Subject: whistle, drums, crowd Verb: blew, rolled, cheered Coordinating Conjuction:and
When I watch Martha Graham's performances, I feel like studying dance. What is the dependent clause and the subordinate clause ?
Subordinate clause:When I watch Martha Graham's performances Indpendent clause: I feel like studying dance.
When Bill left, he locked the door, but he forgot to turn off the lights. What are the independent clauses and subordinate clause ?
Independent clause:he locked the door Independent clause:he forgot to turn off the lights Subordinate clause: When Bill left
What is a simple sentence?
A simple sentence contains one independent clause and no subordinate clauses.
The hairstylist gave Latrice a new look. What is the independent clause and verb?
Independent clause: hairstylist Verb: gave
Alberto led for half the distance, and then Jared took the lead. What are the subjects, verbs, and coordinator conjuction?
Subject: Alberto, Jared Verb: led Coordinating Conjuction:and
All of the stars that we can see without a telescope are part of the Milky Way galaxy. What is the dependent clause and the subordinate clause ?
Subordinate clause: that we can see without a telescope Indpendent clause: All of the stars are part of the Milky Way galaxy
Yolanda began painting only two yeas ago, but the already she has been asked to show one of her paintings at the exhibit that is scheduled for May. What are the independent clauses and subordinate clause ?
Independent clause:Yolanda began painting only two yeas ago Independent clause: already she has been asked to show one of her paintings at the exhibit Subordinate clause:that is scheduled for May.
What is a compound sentence?
A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses and no subordinate clauses.
Juan and Arturo play football every afternoon. What is the independent clause and verb?
Independent clause: Juan, Arturo Verb: play
I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English. What are the subjects, verbs, and coordinator conjuction?
Subject: I, friend Verb: tried, tried Coordinating Conjuction:and
In Gone with the Wind, when Scarlett is faced with near-starvation, she vows that she never will be hungry again. What is the dependent clause and the subordinate clauses ?
Subordinate clause: when Scarlett is faced with near-starvation. Subordinate clause that she never will be hungry again Indpendent clause: In Gone with the Wind, she vows
Emilia has several hobbies that she enjoys, but the one on which she spends the most time is woodcarving. What are the independent clauses and subordinate clause ?
Independent clause:Emilia has several hobbies Independent clause:the one is woodcarving Subordinate clause:that she enjoys Subordinate clause:on which she spends the most time
What is a complex sentence?
A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause.
Lawrence caught the but dropped it What is the independent clause and verb(s)?
Independent clause?: Lawrence Verbs: caught, dropped
Alejandro played football, for Maria went shopping. What are the subjects, verbs, and coordinator conjuction?
Subject: Alejandra, Maria Verb: played,went Coordinating Conjuction:for
Although it was nearly worthless, my brother bought one of those old coins for his collection. What is the dependent clause and the subordinate clause ?
Subordinate clause: Although it was nearly worthless Indpendent clause: my brother bought one of those old coins for his collection.
When they returned from their vacation, they collected their mail at the post office, and they went to the supermarket. What are the independent clauses and subordinate clause ?
Independent clause:they collected their mail at the post office Independent clause:they went to the supermarket. Subordinate clause:When they returned from their vacation
What is a compound-complex sentence?
A compound-complex sentence contains two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause.
Alicia goes to the library and studies every day. What is the independent clause and verb?
Independent clause: Alicia Verb: goes, studies
According to lengend, Betsy Ross made our first flag, but little evidence supports this claim. What are the subjects, verbs, and coordinator conjuction?
Subject: Betsy Ross, evidence Verb: made, supports Coordinating Conjuction: but
China, which has a population of more than one billion people, is a large agricultural country. What is the dependent clause and the subordinate clause ?
Subordinate clause: which has a population of more than one billion people Indpendent clause: China is a large agricultural country.
Although I like to go camping, I haven't had the time to go lately, and I haven't found anyone to go with. What are the independent clauses and subordinate clause ?
Independent clause: I haven't had the time to go lately Independent clause: I haven't found anyone to go with Subordinate clause:Although I like to go camping
If she had not practiced, my cousin Sheila could not have become a good skater. Is this a simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex sentence?