logical interpretations and conclusions not part of the original stimulus
Semantic memory
organized knowledge about the world, includes general knowledge, lexical or language knowledge, and conceptual knowledge
general knowledge about a situation, event, or person
Prototype Approach
argues that we decide whether an item belongs to a category by comparing it to a prototype
Exemplar Approach
argues that we decide whether an item belongs to a category by comparing it to examples of that category
Semantic priming effect
We respond faster to an item if it follows an item with similar meaning
Anderson’s ACT-R Approach
Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational
Parallel Distributed Processing Approach
Networks of simple, neuron-like units process information simultaneously
Anderson’s ACT-R Approach
Meaning of sentences represented by series of propositionnetworks
Connection weights
determine how much activation one unit can pass on to another unit
graceful degradation
The brain’s ability to provide partial memory
Boundary extension
tendency to remember having viewed a greater portion of a scene than you actually saw
Constructive model of memory
we integrate information from individual sentences to construct larger ideas, but later cannot untangle the constructed information from the verbatim sentences
Pragmatic view of memory
we pay attention to the portion of the message most relevant to our current goals
Gender stereotypes
widely shared beliefs and opinions that we associate with females and males