The combination of Activation, Persistence and Intensity
What is motivation
Keeping everything in balance
What is homeostasis?
Fear, anger, disgust, surprise, happiness and sadness are all these.
What are basic emotions?
He faced criticism for their instinct fear theory of motivation
Who is William McDougal and Sigmond Freud
He lived from 1849-1936 and formed an experiment to teach dogs to respond to a bell
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
He wrote the book "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animal
Who is Charles Darwin
Optimal human performance happens when we experience a little bit of this
What is stress?
Rewards to increase behavior or punishment to decrease behavior
What is Operant Conditioning?
Cognitive experience, Physical response, and behavioral or expressive response are all called this
Ones who love danger, or who need to control, or one who is anxious
What are levels of arousal?
Chemical messengers that your body cant function without.
What are neourtransmitters?
Being able to perceive, manage and understand emotions in ourselves and in others
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Self actualization, Esteem, Love/Belonging, Safety and Physiological
What are Maslows Hierarchy needs
Hormone your body fat releases that helps maintain normal weight
This is produced and released by your adrenal glands.
What is epinephrine?