A term for having romantic or sexual interaction with someone outside one’s romantic relationship.
What is infidelity?
The approval people most often seek in their significant other relationships.
What is family approval?
A person whom one knows and with whom has a bond of mutual affection.
What is a friend?
The most common way couples patch things up after an argument?
What is apologizing?
This form of love is characterized by deep affection, trust, and commitment, often seen in long-term relationships.
What is companionate love?
Being in only one relationship at a time.
What is monogamy?
One factor that influence strong and healthy family relationships.
What is communication, support, respect, or quality time
Desire to stay in a relationship no matter what happens.
What is commitment?
The phrase “you have done great group work today!” is an example of this.
What is a confirming message?
Significant emotional closeness experienced in a relationship, whether romantic or not.
What is intimacy?
The basis for most relationships in the western world.
What is love?
Term for parents, children, grandparents, and other relatives living together or maintaining close relationships.
What is extended family?
Doing this action when your friend wants to share or talk is a part of communication.
What is listening?
The phrase “you never care about my feelings!” represents this type of criticism.
What is negative criticism?
This is the love style that involves a strong, obsessive desire for another person, often combined with idealization and possessiveness.
What is mania?
One benefit of legally marrying.
What is stepchildren, property, inheritance, decisions, or visitation?
The term that describes the rules and traditions that shape family roles in society.
What is family dynamics?
Constantly feeling annoyed, disrespected, or guilty when spending time with a certain friend.
What is a toxic friend?
When another partner shows a lack of respect for another partner.
What is contempt?
This type of love is marked by feelings of care and concern for the well-being of another person, often described as a "selfless" form of love.
What is agape?
One country that does not recognize gay marriage legally.
What is Iran, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, or Sudan?
Country with the highest rate of arranged marriages.
What is Pakistan?
The most common person you are likely to date. What is your best friend
What is your best friend?
In an argument your partner says, “It is not my fault” or “I did nothing wrong” , are they showing this characteristic or danger sign.
What is defensiveness or hostility?
Percentage of Americans that believe love is the main reason to get married.
What is 85-90?