This is when people thank God for what they are able to do.
They know their blessings are gifts from God
Humility, Kindness, Generosity
What is the main character's name from "The Hundred Dresses?"
Wanda Petronski
The Church honors Saints by Celebrating _______ in their memory
Feast Days
What is one of the five types of prayer?
Prayers of blessing and adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise.
______ are people who live with God forever in Heaven
How do the children at the main character's school treat her?
The children are not kind towards her. They make fun of her because of her name and what she wears.
We celebrate Saints in heaven on the Solemnity of _____
All Souls' or All Saints
All Saints
BONUS: How can you pray with words and actions?
Being helpful, kind, caring. Doing your best!
When we practice ______, we are able to wait for what is ahead.
Respect, Patience, Peace
Do the children believe that Wanda has 100 dresses in her closet?
The children do not believe her.
_____ Saints give us good examples for how to live as disciples of Jesus.
Patron Saints, Angelic Saints, God's Saints
Patron Saints
These are prayers in which we ask God to help us.
Prayers of Joy or Prayers of Petition
Prayers of Petition
What happens to Wanda towards the end of the story?
She moves away. She won the award for her hard work but was not there to receive it. The children felt bad for how they treated her.
__________ of Saints are people who have faithfully followed Jesus. This includes faithful on earth, Heaven, and Purgatory.
Communion of Saints
What is adoration?
A time of worship, spending time with God by praying and being at Church.
What is the overall main message of the story?
To treat others with kindness and respect. Always.
How can our classroom be a community of prayer?
By respecting one another, being kind, doing our best. Praying for one another, being helpful and grateful.