How many judges are there per trial in the Federal District Court?
How many judges serve on a trial in the Federal Court of Appeals?
Dissenting Opinion
Who nominates a Supreme Court Justice? Who confirms them?
The President nominates, congress confirms
What does the vote in the Senate have to be in order to confirm a Justice to the Supreme Court?
What is used to determine if there is enough evidence to bring a defendant to trial?
Grand Jury
How many Appellate Courts regions are there in the US?
What types of cases does the Supreme Court hear?
Cases that question constitutionality of a law.
How many Supreme Court Justices currently serve on the Supreme Court?
Who was the first ever Supreme Court Chief Justice?
John Marshall
How many Federal District Courts are there?
Which court hears appeals from the US District Courts?
The Court of Appeals
What Court is the last resort for federal law?
Supreme Court
The power of the court to review and decide whether a law is constitutional or not is called what?
Judicial Review
A Supreme Court decision sets a...
If you commit a federal crime, where will it first be heard?
District Court
The Judiciary Act of 1789 established....
the US Supreme Court and the lower courts
What are the formal requirements to be a Supreme Court Justice?
There are none.
How long is a Supreme Court justice's term?
The Dual Court System means...
Who is the current Chief Justice?
John Roberts
What is an amicus?
A "friend of the court"