Client Selection
Group Composition
Exclusion Criteria
Drop Outs
Group Deviancy

This is the primary question group leaders should be guided by when organizing and facilitating groups.

What is ensuring the success of the group? (p.298)


Yalom advocates that group therapists should accept this number of suitable candidates when forming a group. 

What is 7 to 8? (p. 346)


This type of client is generally excluded from heterogeneous outpatient groups because of their influential but dramatic and destructive characteristics.

Who are antisocial clients?


This effect is caused by drop outs begetting other drop outs.

What is the wave effect? (p.303)


This type of behavior is characterized by someone who tends to remain at the symptom-describing and judgment level in a group therapy session, and can disrupt group cohesion and processing.

What is disruptive behavior?


 Name one way group therapy is superior to individual therapy.

What is social learning or improving social support networks? (p. 299)


These are Bowlby's four attachment styles.

What is secure, insecure-anxious, insecure-detached (dismissive/avoidant), and insecure-fearful. (p.331)


Clients with these mental defects and/or disorders make poor candidates for heterogenous therapy groups.

Who are clients suffering from significant brain injury or acute psychosis?


The dropout rate in group therapy generally ranges from this percentage.

 What is 17% to 57%?


Group members who consistently exhibit this behavior may be labeled as deviants by the group.

What is nonconforming or antisocial behavior?


In initial screening interviews, therapists should always inquire about this.

What is pending major life changes? (p. 310)


This is the most powerful method of predicting an individual's group behavior.

What is observe how the individual engages with a task closely related to group therapy. (p. 330)


This form of therapy is much more suitable for clients experiencing an acute crisis than “normal” group therapy.

What is crisis-intervention therapy?


One major reason for high dropout rates in group therapy.

What is early dissatisfaction with the group or group leader?


This term describes the phenomenon when one group member deviates significantly from the group norms.

What is group deviancy?


Group therapy provides these unique benefits for women who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

What are reduced shame and greater empowerment?


In general, the more profound the pathology, the greater the _____?

What is the predictive accuracy? (p. 327)


A client suffering from this condition may be unsuitable for dynamic interactional groups, and may find better results from a structured homogeneous group.

What is severe depression with suicidality?


These types of meetings are an exception to group members with long commutes.

What are online meetings? (p. 303)


Yalom notes that this reaction or response is typical of deviant group members when receiving support from the rest of a group.

What is rejection or isolation?


The therapist’s task is to select those clients who are as close as possible to the border between need and this.

What is impossibility?


This approach is critical when forming a group for clients with chronic suicidality.

What is combining group therapy with individual therapy?


Attendance issues are more likely to arise when a client has these types of logistical constraints.

What are extensive work travel and long commutes?


Of the 9 major reasons people drop out of group therapy, this factor was related to being adversely affected by hearing the problems of the other group members.

What is fear of emotional contagion? (p. 318)


A clinician can make use of these skills and/or tools to screen out potentially deviant group members.

What is augmenting a clinical assessment with empirical measures, such as the Group Selection Questionnaire?
