
What does the word hostage mean?

someone who is taken and held against his or her own will by another person or a group of people.


My face must have expressed complete astonishment. The word astonishment means-

pg. 73 

great surprise


Why would someone want to keep a person hostage? 

A hostage can be used to bargain with because the people who have the hostage can ask for money, goods, or other rewards in exchange for returning the hostage safely


What does the word ringleader mean? 73

the leader of a group that causes trouble or gets involved in illegal activity


What is the reason Silver gives the other pirates for why he is protecting Jim? 75

Silver tells the pirates he is protecting Jim because they’ll need to use him as a hostage in order to bargain with the other men later.


In the conversation between Silver and Jim Hawkins, dialogue is used to show rather than tell what happens. What do we learn from that conversation? 73

The doctor has given Flint’s treasure map to Silver


What does the following phrase mean "We’ll keep him like gold, in case we need him later” ?(page 77)

Jim is valuable and they will need him later 


What does the word insolence mean? (75)

rude behavior or speech


Why do the pirates give Silver the black spot? (74/75)

The pirates give Silver the black spot because they want to mutiny. The pirates no longer want Silver as their leader. They say Silver has made a mess of their original plan, he let the other men get away, and he will not let them hurt Jim.


Why do the pirates decide not to go forward with their mutiny? 76/77

The pirates decide not to mutiny when Silver produces the treasure map. They decide they still have an opportunity to retrieve the treasure if they continue on with Silver as their leader, so they decide not to mutiny.


What is the significance of the skeleton on the ground? 79

It points in the direction of the buried treasure


What does the following phrase mean "armed to the teeth"? 77

they were heavily armed 


Based on what Silver tells Jim, why is Silver protecting Jim?  72/73

Silver is protecting Jim because Silver has decided he is on the squire’s side now. He says that Jim’s speech showed him what sort of man Jim is and that the speech changed Silver’s mind about what to do. Silver says that, in turn, he expects Jim to help him later.


How is the explanation that Silver gives the pirates for why he is protecting Jim different from the one he gives Jim?

Silver tells Jim he is on his side, yet he tells the pirates he is on their side. Silver tells Jim that he is on the squire’s side and is protecting him because they are on the same side. Silver tells the pirates that he is on their side and protecting Jim as a way to bargain with the others later.


When something hangs in the balance, it means it is dependent upon something else in order to continue to exist or thrive. Why do you think this chapter is titled “My Life Hangs in the Balance”?

im is the narrator, so “my life” means Jim’s life. His life hangs in the balance because whether he lives or dies is currently dependent on Silver. Silver agrees to save Jim’s life in exchange for his support in talking to the squire. The chapter refers to the fact that Jim’s life depends on things working out according to Silver’s plan—and on finding the treasure.


n the second paragraph on page 72, how does the use of the phrase to feed the fishes contribute to the meaning of the passage in which it is used?

The phrase suggests that if the men don’t obey Silver, he will throw them in the ocean, where they will become food for the fish.


What is the black spot?

The black spot is the sign for mutiny


Of the two reasons Silver gives for protecting Jim, which do you think is more likely to be true? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

the reason he gives Jim is true because he wants to side with the squire and his men, thinking that is the best option for getting off the island. 

Other students may say that the reason he gives the pirates is true because, despite what he tells Jim, his allegiance is to his pirate crew and he knows he will need to bargain with the other men. Alternatively, students may say that Silver has proven himself as not trustworthy and could be tricking both Jim and the pirates for his own personal gain.


The text says the men “leaped on the map like ravenous beasts.” What does this simile suggest about the men’s feelings in this moment?

they were excited 
