The well-organized knowledge that you have about the world is called?
Semantic Memory
What concept is most closely associated with the term "schema"?
A category is a :
A group of objects that belong together
According to the network models of semantic memory:
Activation expands from the node that has been activated, extending outward to other related nodes
The term semantic memory can be defined as:
Our well-organized knowledge about the world
The category "Furniture" is a:
Superordinate-level category
According to chapter 8, the best definition of the word "concept" is:
Your mental representation of a category
The exemplar approach to concepts suggest that our categories are based on:
Less typical items as well as highly typical items
What can we conclude about the role of schemas in memory?
Schemas often operate
According to John Anderson and colleagues, the smallest unit of knowledge that people can judge to be either true or false is called a:
John Andersons ACT-R therory:
Attempts to explain processes such as language, reasoning and decision making
People tend to recall the events in a script more accurately if
The script is identified at the beginning of the description
According to the "parallel distributed processing" approach to semantic memory:
Several patterns of activation can proceed at the same time
An important feature of semantic memory is that:
It allows us to draw inferences that extend beyond the information supplied in the original stimulus
What concept can help to explain stereotyping?
Spontaneous Generalization