Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 11

When 2 sentences have identical surface structures but have different deep structures they are called

Ambiguous Sentences


What is aphasia and what 2 regions of the brain are associated with it?

Aphasia is difficulty communicating due to brain damage. The Broca's area and Wernicke's area


Parallel processing vs. Serial processing

Parallel handles 2 or more items at a time, Serial processing handles 1 item at a time.


What is a typical gender stereotype and does evidence support the stereotype?

A stereotype is that men are better than women at solving math problems. Evidence disproves this stereotype.


The discipline that examines the underlying neurological structures and systems that support language and language-related process is know as



What is a phoneme and how many are there in the English language?

It is the basic unit of spoken language and there are about 40 in the English language


What is a matrix and how can it be used to solve problems?

A matrix is a grid of rows and columns that show all possible combinations of items, it can be used to keep track of items when problem solving.


In 1972 Newell and Simon developed what and how was it used?

The General Problem Solver (GPS), it mimics the process that humans use to solve problems

Who was the most influential theorist in 20th century linguistics and why?

Noam Chomsky, He was known for his approach to syntax and contributed to the decline of behaviorism.


What type of text do people typically NOT construct inferences on?

Scientific text

What is a problem with using algorithms as a problem solving method?

Algorithms are often inefficient and unsophisticated

What are the pros and cons of the hill-climbing heuristic?

A pro is it can be useful when you don't have enough information about your alternatives because you can see the next step. A con is that you must consistently choose the alternative that leads toward the goal.


When a teacher instructs a student to "sound it out", they are engaging in which approach?

The phonics approach


Bank-a financial institution

Bank- a strip of land that runs along a river

This is an example of:

Lexical ambiguity

What is the difference between extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation?

Extrinsic motivation is when you are motivated by a promised reward or outcome. Intrinsic motivation is when you are motivated by enjoyment or passion.


What are 2 components of the means-end heuristic?

First divide the problem into a sub-problem, next you try to reduce the differnce between the initial state and the goal state for each of the problems.
