1. The bone marrow was taken from 19-year-old Anissa and given to 14-month-old Marissa.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Inference

2. False

The bone marrow was taken from 14-month-old Marissa and given to 19-year-old Anissa.


2. The older sister has a very serious disease.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Inference

1. True

Anissa was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia.

"It will give life to the older sister, who otherwise would have died of chronic myelogenous leukemia." (Line 12)


 Marissa was born before Anissa became sick with leukemia.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Inference

2. False

Anissa's leukemia was diagnosed three years before Marissa was born.

"Anissa’s leukemia was diagnosed three years ago. In such cases, the patient usually dies within five years unless she receives a marrow transplant." (Lines 17-18) "In April 1990 Mary bore a daughter, Marissa." (Line 28)


Read lines 6-9.

1. A catheter is:

a. a type of medicine
b. a thin plastic tube
c. a small hole

b. a thin plastic tube


Read lines 15-18. Denouement means:

  1. problem
  2. solution

  3. hospital

2. solution


5. Dr. Norman Fost believes that the ethics of terminating a pregnancy is the same no matter what the reason.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Inference

1. True

"Says Dr. Norman Fost, a pediatrician and ethicist at the University of Wisconsin: 'If you believe that a woman is entitled to terminate a pregnancy for any reason at all, then it doesn’t seem to me to make it any worse to terminate a pregnancy for this reason.'" (Lines 81-83)


Living donors have given their hearts away.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Inference

1. True

Some living donors have given their hearts as part of the "domino practice" during heart-lung transplants.

"Six of the living donors gave their hearts away. How? They were patients who needed heart-lung transplant packages. To make way for the new heart, they gave up the old one; doctors call it the 'domino practice.'" (Lines 90-93)


Read lines 11-12.

2. "If all goes well" means:

a. if the procedure works correctly
b. if the sister dies
c. if rejection occurs

a. if the procedure works correctly



Read lines 67-71.To have an abortion means to

 a. become pregnant
b. terminate a pregnancy
c. continue a pregnancy



b. terminate a pregnancy


Read lines 43-45. In this paragraph, what word is a synonym of "consent"?

a. Permission 

b. Agreement 

c. Approval

d. Decision

c. Approval


What was their daughter's fate?

  1. She would be sick for a long time.
  2. She would die within five years.
  3. She would receive marrow from a stranger.

2. She would die within five years.


 A sibling who did not yet exist is a sibling who:

  1. has not been conceived yet
  2. has already been born
  3. is not yet old enough

1. has not been conceived yet


Read lines 15-18.What does "in such cases" refer to?

a. Cases where a sibling's marrow is incompatible

b. Cases where a bone marrow transplant is needed

c. Cases where a patient is undergoing chemotherapy

d.  Cases where a family starts a nationwide search for a donor

b. Cases where a bone marrow transplant is needed


Fate means ____.

  1. Random chance
  2. Destiny or predetermined outcome
  3. A sudden change
  4. A decision made by someone

2.  Destiny or predetermined outcome


"Hit the nail on the head" means ____.

  1. To do something perfectly
  2. To strike something with a hammer
  3. To miss the point entirely
  4. To hurt someone intentionally

1. To do something perfectly


Read lines 109-111. Prohibits any compensation means:

a. You cannot receive money for donating an organ

b. You cannot donate an organ from a cadaver

c. You cannot donate an organ from a living donor

a. You cannot receive money for donating an organ


Dr. Thomas Starzl worries that an organ recipient may die as a result of the transplant operation.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Inference

2. False

"The most compelling argument against living donation is that it is not completely safe for the donor.” Starzl said he knew of 20 donors who had died, though other doctors regard this number as miraculously low, since there have been more than 100,000 live-donor transplants." (Lines 102-106)


Read lines 84-87. What are seat-belt and motorcycle-helmet laws?

a. Laws that require people to wear seat belts and helmets

b. Laws that regulate traffic and vehicle safety

c. Laws that enforce road safety standards

d. Laws that punish traffic violations

a. Laws that require people to wear seat belts and helmets


Read lines 31-33.When is the optimum moment?

a. When the baby is born

b. When the older sister's health deteriorates

c. When the baby is old enough and strong enough to donate safely

d. When the parents are ready for the procedure

c. When the baby is old enough and strong enough to donate safely


Compensation means ____.

a. Punishment for a wrongdoing

b. Payment for services or loss

c. An apology for a mistake

d. A reward for good behavior

b. Payment for services or loss


 Dr. Rudolf Brutoco agreed with the Ayalas' decision to conceive a child in the hopes of saving Anissa.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Inference

3. Inference

The text mentions Dr. Brutoco questioning societal norms about conceiving children for various reasons, which implies he might be supportive or at least open to the Ayalas' decision.

"Says Dr. Rudolf Brutoco, Marissa Ayala’s pediatrician: 'Does it make sense to conceive a child so that little Johnny can have a sister, while it is not acceptable to conceive the same child so that Johnny can live?'" (Lines 47-49)


Read lines 31-33.

a. When is the optimum moment?

  1. When the baby is born
  2. When the baby is old enough and strong enough to donate safely
  3. When the older sister's health deteriorates
  4. When the parents are ready for the procedure

2. When the baby is old enough and strong enough to donate safely


Read lines 96-101.

a. "The death of a ... completely healthy living donor almost stops the clock worldwide" means that the death of a healthy living donor:

  1. Discourages other healthy people from donating an organ
  2. Discourages doctors from performing transplant operations using healthy living donors
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Has no impact on the number of living donors

3. Both 1 and 2


Read lines 84-87. Why are these laws "bad news for those waiting for a donor"?

a. They discourage people from becoming donors

b. They increase the waiting time for transplants

c. They make organ donation illegal

d. They decrease the number of accidents and fatalities

d. They decrease the number of accidents and fatalities


An important ethical issue is ____.

  1. The cost of medical treatment
  2. The availability of hospital beds
  3. The morality of using a sibling's marrow without their consent
  4. The length of recovery time

3. The morality of using a sibling's marrow without their consent
