Historical Figures
Key Terms
Current Leaders
Wild Card
Part of this leader’s charisma was his true and utter belief that Germans were great, and that he was "the one" to lead them to take over Europe.
Who is Adolf Hitler?
Being sourceful and imaginative
What is creativity?
The degree to which people's lives make emotional sense and to which the demands confronted by them are perceived as being worthy of their energy and commitment.
What is personal meaning?
Leader who states "Knowledge is power! With knowledge you can soar and reach as high as your dreams can take you!"
Who is Oprah Winfrey?
This class uses the Leadership, Theory, Application, & Sill Development textbook. Name the edition of the book.
What is 5th Edition?
Although he is despised by many for bringing communism to Cuba, he retained favor with most of Cuba’s poor for his social reforms and his magnetic personality.
Who is Fidel Castro?
Concentration of mental energy by resisting distraction
What is focus?
This type of leader uses charisma for the benefit of others.
What is socialized charismatic leader?
This person defines charisma in the business world and has been named the most charismatic CEO in the past decade. At any Apple event in which he appeared, he would awe thousands and bring out their best imagination in order to steer them to understand his vision.
Who is Steve Jobs?
Chapter 9 incorporates two different types of leadership. Name them both.
What is Charismatic and Transformational Leadership?
This cult leader organized a mass suicide by drinking "Kool Aid."
Who is Jim Jones?
Changing weaknesses and staying committed to controlling one's habits, emotions, mind and body
What is self-discipline?
Leadership that involves self-interest to serve the needs of others by helping them grow professionally and personally.
What is servant leadership?
CEO and Founder of the Virgin Group Corp, this charismatic leader owns over 4 hundred companies worth over $4 billion.
Who is Richard Branson?
Our team hosted an event at the humane society involving the Autism group in Manitowoc. Name the event. (Our group project name)
What is Pawtistic Pals?
During WWII, this bombastic, energetic and decisive British prime minister delivered numerous inspirational and uplifting speeches.
Who is Winston Churchill?
Developing this trait requires consistency between values and actions; doing what you say your going to do.
What is integrity?
The ability to imagine different and better conditions and the ways to achieve them.
What is vision?
Recently in the news and described by USA Today as a "hoodie-wearing, Harvard droupout" - this leader made the top 50 CEOs list.
Who is Mark Zuckerberg? CEO for Facebook.
To earn an a in this class what's the minimum number of points a student has to earn.
What is 279 points
She was a skilled speaker who used her position to advance causes such as women’s suffrage and assistance for the poor, who she had a special connection with and for who she started her own foundation.
Who is Eva Peron?
Listening to your inner voice and trusting it to guide yourself.
What is intuition?
Employee-focused form of leadership that empowers followers to make decisions and have control over their jobs..
What is stewardship?
This charismatic leader saved Zappos.com in the 11th hour and turned it into a billion dollar company. This leader's charisma and excellent leadership skills create a unique corporate culture.
Who is Tony Hsieh (Pronounced Tony Shay)
In this class we've discussed how to make good goals. Name the acronym used and what each letter stands for.
What is SMARTER? Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time Bound Exciting Resources