A business that is owned by many people is called a
What is a corporation
Person who experimented with the light bulb and invented the phonograph
Who is Thomas Edison
The evolutionist Herbert Spencer promoted the idea that only the educated survive in society.
False--- fittest
Who wrote articles encouraging Christians to take the Bible at its word?
Who is B. B. Warfield
A combination of several smaller companies into one gigantic corporation is called a
What is a trust
Person who was first to patent the telephone
Who is Alexander Graham Bell
During the Gilded Age American cities grew because people from rural areas moved to the cities.
How did some authors use realism in their works of literature during the Gilded Age?
Life was portrayed just as it was.
An organized group of workers that unite to go on strike to force their employers to make changes is called a
What is a labor Union
Person who led America's Oil Industry
Who is John D Rockefeller
The Sherman Antitrust Act sought to increase the power a corporation could have.
False-- limit
What did Jane Addams’s Hull-House offer immigrant women?
childcare and medical care
A person who gives large sums of money to help public causes is called a
What is a philanthropist
The person who was America’s most important manufacturer of steel was
Who is Andrew Carnegie
Popular cites where many immigrants settled were Boston, Philadelphia, New York, and San Francisco
Who built the Great Northern Railway?
Who is James J. Hill
An economic system in which the people own the country’s goods and businesses is called
What is capitalism
The inventor of the typewriter that first used the QWERTY keyboard was
Who is Christopher Sholes
Who was the first person to make millions in the transportation industry?
WHo is Cornelius Vanderbilt
What problems resulted from the growth of cities in America?
Cities were more crowded and harder to keep clean. Providing housing for everyone was difficult. Many children from poor families worked to help support their families.