Brain and Language

A syntax.

What are the grammatical rules that govern how we organize words into sentences?


Dual-route approach to reading

What specifies that skilled readers employ both a direct-access route and an indirect-access route?



What happens when a person has difficulty communicating, typically as a result of damage to the brain caused by a stroke or a tumor?


The difference between a phoneme and a morpheme.

What is a sound represented by letters versus the most basic unit of meaning? 


Metacomprehension and the people who have it.

What is the term that refers to your thoughts about comprehension?

Most young children don’t have the appropriate cognitive skills for metacomprehension however older children, teenagers, and adults can think about their reading and listening strategies


Damage to the Wernicke's area

What is Wernicke's aphasia, causing severe language comprehension problems?


The two structures of sentences along with definitions and examples

What is surface structure that is a literal representation of a sentence?

It's raining cats and dogs

What is deep structure that is the more figurative, abstract meaning of the sentence?

It's raining very fiercely.


Discourse versus inferences

What is discourse that are the interrelated units of language (bigger than a sentence) and what is inferences that are conclusions that go beyond the sentences?


Language-localizer task

What compensates for the problem of individual differences in brain size?


The person that argued that the knowledge of grammar is independent from semantic knowledge.

Who is Noam Chomsky?


The three approaches for teaching children and their explanations.

What are whole-word, phonics, and whole-language approaches?

Whole-word Approach (direct access): argues that readers can directly connect the written word (as an entire unit) with the meaning that this word represents

Phonics Approach (indirect access): states that readers recognize words by trying to pronounce the individual letters in the word

Whole-Language Approach: reading instruction should emphasize meaning and it should be enjoyable, to increase children’s enthusiasm about learning to read


The levels that an fMRI measure in the brain along with what is seen by an FMRI when the mirror system is active.

What are the areas of oxygen-richness in the blood flow in the brain? What is more activation in the motor-cortex area than the capoeira area?


The cognitive-functional approach in adults versus children

What is adults using sentences strategically as they are focused on attaining the listeners' attention in order so they can gain the information needed? How do children still have powerful cognitive and social-learning skills yet sometimes lack in the area of strategically creating sentences?


The study and results exploring constructionist View of Inferences

What is Huitema et al. (1993) which studied brief stories on four conditions: far/inconsistent version of the story, near/inconsistent version, far/consistent version, and near/consistent version?

Results: Participants in the near condition read the consistent version significantly more quickly than the inconsistent version.


The respective possible effects of damage to the left hemisphere and right hemisphere

Right Hemisphere: What is being unable to understand emotional tone, humor, and figurative language?

Left Hemisphere: What is being unable to understand words, sentences, definitions, and reading?
