What shapes should storage units be arranged to best define activity areas?
L or U shape
What two elements in the playground divide activity areas and make moving about easier?
Empty space/ Wheeled vehicle path
What activites should be placed in the active/dry area of the classroom?
Woodworking and Block building area
Define what a cubbie is
The top section of a locker used to store children's artwork , library books etc
What two factors should organized space define?
Program goals and Traffic patterns
The behavior of children is effected by the what?
The way the space is arranged
What activity area needs to be placed near a water source ?
Art and Crafts area
Define Acoustic materials
Material used too deaden or absorb sound
Such as carpet , drapes , bulletin boards , pillows
What is the purpose of an isolation area ?
For sick or ill children
Name three ways an inclusive environment benefits children and their families
1. Materials
2. Hanging up artwork
3. Making sure each child is included and thought of
This area is considered a living room or is also called housekeeping
Dramatic play area
Define Traffic pattern
The way people move through the classroom area , affecting its arrangements
What can interactive white boards be used for?
Bullietin boards
Movie screen
Kids artwork
What is an inclusive environment?
An environnment that acknowledges every child
To see if an ______ is at the appropriate height , have the child stand next to it
What colors make a room appear smaller?
Red , Yellow , and Orange
A classrom arrangements should reflect what?
A well planned setting usually promotes __________
Intresting play
This area provides a hands on way to explore math concepts
The small manipulative and Mathematic area
What does DAP stand for ?
Devepmentally Appropiate Practice