A phrase used by lifespan psychologists
"From Womb to Tomb"
2-6; egocentrism; "why??"
Pre-operational Stage
Emotional bond between newborns + caregivers
Someone over 100
A centenarian
Any mental deterioration
Three domains of developmental psychology
Physical, Cognitive, Socio-emotional
12+; abstract higher level thinking; return of egocentrism
Formal Operations Stage
Series of physical changes across several years
End of adolescence to 25
Emerging Adulthood/Early Adulthood
A specific neurological disease
The most stressful moment of our lives
0-2; 6 sub-stages; object permanence
Sensorimotor Stage
Idea of personal uniqueness
Personal Fable
Young Adulthood
The number of stages of Alzhiemer's
Kids from 6-11 get more fatigued from doing this than anything else
Sitting still
6-11; hands on learning; conservation skills
Concrete Stage
Places with the lowest and highest life expectancy (And the years!)
Lowest: Afghanistan(53.25) Highest: Monaco(89.4)
Middle Age
Time span from symptoms to diagnosis for an Alzheimer's patient
~ 2.8 years
APGAR stands for...
Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration
Organized pattern of thought
Five stages of grief
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
65+; 65-74; 75-84; 85+
Old age; Young old; Old old; Oldest old
Life expectancy for Alzheimer's patient
8-10 years; can be as little as 3 or as much as 20