What is the difference between a singular pronoun and a plural pronoun?
Singular refers to one
Plural refers to more than one
How do you show that a letter or letters have been left out in a contraction?
an apostrophe
What are homophones?
words that sound alike but have different meanings and usually different spellings
Is it singular or plural? Use it in a sentence
Which two words make the contraction I'm? Use I'm in a sentence.
I am
Everyone (knows, nose) that a clown has a red (knows, nose).
knows, nose
Replace the subject in this sentence with the correct pronoun: Dad and I are excited.
What is a contraction?
a shortened form of two words
Sam (knew, new) he would have a (knew, new) teacher in 4th grade.
knew, new
Name four plural pronouns.
Which two words make the contraction she'd? Use she'd in a sentence.
she would or she had
I would like to eat pizza (too, to, two)
Is the italicized pronoun singular or plural?
It was a carved wooden giraffe.
Which two words make the contraction it's? Use it's in the sentence.
It is or it has
We can (sea, see) the (sea, see) from our window.
see, sea