After the American Revolution what was happening to American ships?
Barbary pirates raided European and American ships taking property and enslaving sailors
The act of sneaking imports illegally
Who was involved in the Pinckney Treaty?
Why did President Jefferson place an embargo on foreign goods in 1807?
Jefferson was looking for a peaceful method to force Britain and France to respect American neutrality
Who translated for Lewis and Clark?
The idea that the government should not interfere with a country’s economics
Laissez Faire
In 1807 Thomas Jefferson placed an embargo on foreign goods, did this help or hurt the U.S. and why?
Hurt; The United States stopped making money off of trade with any foreign country
This law was a result of Marbury v. Madison
Judicial review
Who were the two explorers that went on an expedition of the Louisiana Territory?
Lewis and Clark
To withdraw from membership in a group
The British were impressing American soldiers in order to have a strong naval force when they were at war with…
What does the Pinckney Treaty let the United States do?
To trade along the Mississippi River
To get back at the Americans, the British burned what U.S. government building...
White House
Money paid by one country to another in return for protection
Which country sold the Louisiana Territory to Jefferson?
What is the purpose of judicial review?
The Supreme Court reviews laws to decide if they’re constitutional or unconstitutional
Who became president in 1801?
Thomas Jefferson
Mountain ridge that separates river systems flowing toward opposite sides of a continent
Continental Divide
Which 2 countries fought in the war of 1812?
Great Britain & The United States
What changes did President Thomas Jefferson make to the government? Name at least 2
1. Implemented laissez faire
2. Cuts to military spending
3. Eliminated all federal taxes
4. Sedition Act was repealed