Red River
Thomas Scott & Manitoba
Second Uprising
After the Uprisings
This area of land was transfered from the HBC to Canada in April 1869.
What is Rupert's Land?
The reason why Thomas Scott was executed (according to the Metis)
What is conspiring against Metis authority?
This person led the South Branch communities and sought the help of Louis Riel.
Who is Gabriel Dumont?
After Batoche, many Metis people migrated to this place, which still has the largest Metis population today.
What is Alberta?
Belief that your ethnic group is better than everyone else's
What is ethnocentrism?

This group made up the majority of the population at Red River.

Who are the Francophone Métis people (Anglophone Métis also had large population there)?

The original shape of Manitoba is often compared to this.
What is a postage stamp?
The location of final battle involving the Métis.
What is Batoche?
A change in the characteristics of a population.
What is a demographic change or shift?
A temporary government formed when no other authority can establish legitimate control
What is a provisional government?
Crops had failed, the buffalo were declining, and Canada seemed to be making plans for Rupert’s Land and the northwest as if nobody lived there.
What are causes of the Red River Resistance?
• Acknowledged First Nations peoples’ rights to land • Established Manitoba as a province • Made French and English official languages • Recognized Métis rights to land
What is the Manitoba Act?
They established farms and worked in the fur trade, providing supplies and services to Fort Carlton and Fort Edmonton. They continued their annual buffalo hunts.
What is a description of Metis life at South Branch?
The language and culture that the original Manitoba Act was trying to protect.
What is French?
The cause of starvation for many First Nations and Metis.
What is overhunting of the buffalo by Canadian, American and European hunters?
He stood out in his community as someone with higher education who could speak English, French and Cree.
Who is Louis Riel?
"I am outraged by the actions of Riel and the Metis. How could they commit such vile acts like imprisonment and murder?!" This quote was likely spoken by what type of person?
What is an English-speaking Canadian?
• Decline of buffalo • settlers had pushed west • North West Mounted Police • A proposed railway
What are causes of the second Metis uprising?
Demographic Change --> Anglophone settlers moved in, Francophone setters moved west.
What are reasons for changes to the Manitoba Act?
This is what happened to Louis Riel after Batoche.
He charged with treason and found guilty. Riel was later executed. Many Canadiens and Metis felt it was revenge for the death of Thomas Scott.

In December 1869, a ___________ ___________ was declared and _________ ________ was named leader.

What is provisional government and Louis Riel?

• Did not specify any particular tracts of land for the Métis • Made Manitoba Small • Did not give Manitoba control over public lands
What are reasons why the Manitoba Act was a compromise?
• Canada’s government took steps to suppress and control Métis • First Nations people required a pass before they could leave their reserves • No recognition of the farms and settlements Métis had established.
What are outcomes of the second Métis uprising?
• Abolished separate schools. • Made English the only official language of Manitoba's government.
What is the Manitoba Act?
"I feel betrayed by the federal government. How could they not spare Riel’s life? This is clear evidence that English-speaking Canadians are trying to crush our culture and identity." The speaker of this quote would most likely be a...
What is a Canadien?