How Quadratics Move
Axis of Symmetry
Vertex Points
Projectile Motion
The parent function of a quadratic equation is...
y = x^2
What is the formula to find the axis of symmetry?
What is x = (-b)/(2a)
Describe, in words how to find a vertex point.
What is substitute the axis of symmetry into the quadratic function.
What is the force of gravity in feet per second?
What is - 16 feet per second
When analyzing a projectile motion equation, how do you find the time until maximum height?
What is the axis of symmetry formula (-b/2a)
Assume a function is y = 3x^2. In words, describe how this function compares to the parent function.
What is thinner, skinnier, less wide (all acceptable)
What is the axis of symmetry in the following function: y = 6x^2 + 12x - 14
What is x = -1
Assume a quadratic function opens down, what is another word for the vertex?
What is maximum or highest point.
What is the projectile motion equation?
What is h(t) = - 16t^2 + v0t + h0
How do you find the maximum height of an object in a projectile motion example?
What is substitute the time until max height (A of S) into projectile motion equation.
In words, briefly describe the impact that the "bx" term has on a quadratic function.
What is moves the vertex right or left.
What is the axis of symmetry: y = 3x^2 +24
What is x = 0
Assume a quadratic function opens up, what is another word for the vertex?
What is minimum or lowest point.
What does v0 and h0 stand for in the projectile motion equation?
What is v0 = Initial Velocity; h0 = Initial Height
Jason jumped off of a cliff into the ocean in Acapulco while vacationing with some friends. The cliff was 44 feet from the ground, and his initial velocity was 16 feet per second. How long until he reaches the maximum height?
What is 0.5 seconds
Assume the absolute value of "a" is < 1, but, at the same time, > 0, as indicated here: 0 < IaI< 1. How does this function compare to the parent function?
What is wider/fatter than the parent function.
What is the axis of symmetry: 3x - 4x^2 = 7x^2 + 19x + 3
What is x = - 8/11
What is the vertex point of the function: y = 5x^2 + 30x - 4?
What is (-3, -49)
A ship drops anchor in a harbor. The anchor is 49 ft. above the surface of the water when it is released, and the anchor is released at an initial speed of 28 ft. per second. What is the representative function?
What is h(t) = -16t^2 + 28t + 49
During World War I, mortars were fired from trenches 3 feet down. The mortars had a velocity of 150 ft/s. What is the time until the maximum height of the mortar?
What is 4.6875 seconds
List three specific ways in which the function, y = (1/4)x^2 + 3 is different from the parent function.
What is 1) Wider, 2) Vertex is shifted up 3 units, and 3) Y-Intercept is not (0,0) - it is (0,3)
What is the axis of symmetry: 4x^2 + 3x = 4x^2 + 2
What is TRICK QUESTION; There are no axes of symmetry in straight lines
What is the vertex of the function: y = - 4x^2 + 9x - 3 ?
What is ( (9/8), (33/16) )
An amateur rocketry club is holding a competition. If a rocket is launched with an initial velocity of 315 ft/s from ground level, what is the representative equation?
What is h(t) = -16t^2 + 315t
During World War I, mortars were fired from trenches 3 feet down. The mortars had a velocity of 150 ft/s. What is the maximum height of the mortar? Round your final answer to the nearest hundredth.
What is 348.5625 feet