What are the official FFA colors
National Blue and Corn Gold
What degree is required before you can get your chapter degree?
Greenhand degree
What does SAE stand for?
Supervised Agricultural Experience
Name four officer positions
President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Historian, Parliamentarian
Name three parts of the official dress
Corduroy jacket, black pants/skirt, necktie/scarf, white button up, black shoes
Name one example of progress toward an individual achievement in the FFA award program.
Agricultural Proficiency Awards honor, Agriscience Fair, American FFA Degree, American Star Awards, Honorary Awards, National Chapter, CDE placements
Name one of the parliamentary procedures.
Main Motion, Amendment, Adjourn, Postpone, Division of Assembly, or, Recess
What material is the greenhand pin made of?
Which officer is stationed beneath the rising sun?
The President
How many unpaid hours do you need to have for your SAE?
At least 45
Name two of the SAE types.
Exploratory, Research, Placement, and, Entrepreneurship
Who wrote the FFA Creed?
E.M. Tiffany
In what state is national convention held?
What is the next degree you can get after chapter?
What is a main motion?
A proposal that introduces a new item of business for consideration and decision by a legislative or deliberative assembly. This is typically the central subject of debate and discussion in a meeting.
Finish the motto "Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live ..."
Living to Serve
When was the FFA started?
What material is the chapter degree made of?
Why do we use Parliamentary procedure?
The purpose of parliamentary instruction is to improve the ability of FFA members to conduct meetings according to the correct procedure.
What do we call the zipper on an FFA jacket?