"On Wednesday's We Wear ________"
What is Mr.Stimmells go to drink?
Diet Mountain Dew
Skills for this CDE include:
Identify flowers
Make corsages and other arrangements
Take a written test about greenhouse procedures, etc.
What is Mallory's favorite CDE?
Food Science
What are the offical FFA colors?
National Blue and Corn Gold
"K cool have a __________."
Good life
What are the names of all of Stimmell's pets? (past and present)
Mr.Twist, Bonnie, Clara, Morgan, Coco
Increased public speaking skills
Freshman only
Exactly 4 minutes long
What CDE is this?
Creed Speaking
Where is Maddy going to college?
How many National CDE's are there?
"Is there gonna be _________ at State Convention?"
How many years has Mr.Stimmell been teaching?
Identify various cuts of _____
Identify wholesale and/or retail cuts
Determine carcassas for quality
What is this CDE?
Meats Evaluation & Technology
What is Haylie's favorite animal?
An elephant
What is the symbol of labor and tillage of the soil?
The plow
"Sorry I was too nervous to use my _________"
Other senses
What is Mr.Stimmell's favorite class to teach?
Food Science
Has 2 rounds at state: Preliminary and Final
Designed to develop skills needed when seeking a job in the agricultural industry
Job Interview
Olivia's nickname is...
What is the FFA motto?
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.
"Fun in the Jungle is the place where you get ________"
Mr.Stimmell's most prized possession in his classroom is...
The squirrel on his bookshelf
Designed to evaluate knowledge of fish keeping trends
Aquarium Management
What is Paris's favorite food?
Roughly how many members are in FFA in Ohio?