History of Forensics
History of Forensics
What are two responsiblities of a forensic artist?
They use facial reconstruction, age progression, composite imagery, or digital technology to identify missing children, criminal suspects, or victims of crime.
This forensic scientist identifies human remains by comparing teeth to dental records. They may also examine and identify bite marks.
Forensic Dentist or Odontologist
Define Evidence.
Anything that can bue used to prove facts in a court of law, forensic science usually involves physical evidence like DNA or ballistics.
Developed the exchange principle that is named after him, the idea that if two items come in contact there is an exchange of matter between the objects.
Edmond Locard

What contribution did Albert Osborn make to forensic science?

He published a book called Questioned Documents that set the standard for techniques used in document analysis.

What are two of the responsiblities of Crime Scene Investigators?
They are responsible for gathering information at crime scenes,determining what evidence is important, collecting the evidence, preserving the evidence, conducting field tests, and reconstructing a sequence of events.
This forensic scientist studies injury and disease to determine the cause of sickness or death, may also perform autopsies.
Pathologist or Medical Examiner?
What is forensic science?
Using scientific knowledge and techniques to enforce the law. Forensic scientists use logic and follow scientific procedures to solve issues related to criminal or civil law.
He developed the use of genetic fingerbrinting to identify an individual based on their DNA sequence.
Alec Jeffreys

What contributions did  Leone Lattes to forensic science?

He Developed a method for determining blood type from dried blood.

What are three of the jobs that fall into Criminalistics? Criminalist is the general name for scientists who use their expertise in an area to discover what happened during a crime.
Areas include crime scene reconstruction, drug analysis, forensic chemistry, trace evidence analysis, firearms examination, latent fingerprint examination, voice analysis, forensic serology, DNA analysis, impressions analysis, and questioned document examination.
They study human behaviors and profile criminals and victims to understand the circumstances around a crime.
Forensic Psychologists and Psychiatrists
What is an expert witness?
Someone who testifies in court as a qualified expert in a particular area.
This magistrate in colonial India first used fingerprints as a means of identifying an individual, they were used primarily on business or real estate contracts.
William Herschel
What contributions did Karl Landsteiner make to forensic science?
He identified the presence of ABO blood groups.
What are two responsibilities of a forensic engineer?
They determining material or strucutral failures and reconstructing events such as building collapses or car accidents.

A unique law enforcement agency that protects our communities from violent criminals, criminal organizations, the illegal use and trafficking of firearms, the illegal use and storage of explosives, acts of arson and bombings, acts of terrorism, violations of tax laws, and the illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products.

What is ATF

What is a criminal matter?
Legal proceedings that the court uses to enforce criminal law, includes crimes like burglary, arson, and homicide.
This physician is known as the "Father of Toxicology".
Mathiew Orfila
What contribution did Francis Galton make to forensic science?
Francis Galton designed the form used for fingerprinting and promoted its use a a means of identifying criminals.
What are two responsiblities of a forensic entomologist.
They identify insects found at a crime scene and study insect life cycles to determine when death occured and to construct a sequence of events.
This forensic scientist studies analizes drugs or poisons and studies their effect on organisms.
Forensic Toxicologist
What is a civil matter?
Legal proceeduings that use the court system, but are not punishable under criminal law. Involves contracts, real estate, and other business matters.
This scientist pioneered the use of comparison microscopes, he used them to compare ballistics.
Who is Calvin Goddard?
What contributions did Hans Gross make to forensic science?
He wrote a book called Criminal Investigation that described the importance of physical evidence in solving crimes, and the application of science to the analysis of physical evidence.