What does haudenosaunee mean?
People of the long house
What does Anishinabe mean?
The original people
What does Mi'kmaq mean?
My brothers
What does the process of people moving every season?
are you a chill guy
what was their living arrangements?
they also lived in Long houses.
What did the Anishinabe live in?
They lived in wigwams
What did the Mi'kmaq do in the summer?
They hunted and fished
`what does saqamaw mean?
laeder of the seven districts.
What are the first nations groups moved with the season
Anishinabe and Mi'kmaq
what are the role of men in the haudenosaunee society
they can become chiefs and they go to war. they will hunt and fish.
What did the Anishinabe do for agricultural hunting practices?
Fished, Hunted game, Used bark and plants for medicine and tea, Gathered wild berries and wild rice
What did the Mi'kmaq do in the Winter?
Hunted moose in the forest
What does the process of agreeing with everyone called?
what are the first nations peoples belifs
they believed in peace and harmony and the creator
what are the role of women in the Haudenosaunee people
they make desions and can become clan mother. they take care of kids and farm for food.
role of men in the Anishinabe society?
they participated in decision making. They could become a member of his fathers dodem,roles depended on the dodem,could be a member of the midewin society.
What was the role of men in the Mi'kmaq nation?
They were hunters, fishermen, Could become Saqamaw, and participated in descision making
What does Midewin mean?
A special society of the Anishinabe
What is the one similarities between the three cultures studied in unit 1?
They used technology to make their lives easier
what was a prominent feature of the haudenosaunee people
role of women in the Anishinabe society?
they participated in decision making,they harvested wild rice and food,they could be part of a midewin society,they could become a member of her fathers dodem.
What was the role of women in the Mi'kmaq nation?
The women harvested vegetables, set up camps and wove mattresses
what does dodem mean?
a clan of of the anishinabe
what is the meaning of idk
i don't know