A teaching arrangement, in which two teachers jointly maximize the learning of all students?
What is co-teaching?
What are co-teaching partnerships that have one teacher as the content curriculum planner and the other teacher as the strategy planner?
What are General Education and Special Education Partnerships?
A type of teaching that involves different areas to where students and teachers move.
Station Teaching
The number of different co-teaching partnerships?
What is 5?
What is an Individualized Education Program?
Name an example of a support personnel in a co-teaching partnership?
Who is a Paraprofessional?
What co-teaching partnerships are growing co-teacher partnerships in which one teacher focuses on content-integration?
What are General Education and Specialist Partnerships?
A type of teaching that involves the class being broken into two groups. Both groups are learning the same material, but they are being taught in different ways.
What is 6?
What is an English Language Learner?
The most common structure of co-teaching, in which one teacher leads whole group instruction, while another teacher assists students individually?
What is One Teach, One Assist?
What co-teaching partnerships have one teacher responsible for the learning goals and covering curriculum standards, while another teacher focuses on specific vocabulary, language scaffolds, and integrating oral language into the daily lessons?
What are General Education and English Language Learner Teacher Partnerships?
A type of teaching where teachers work together and jump-in at different times to help each other during the lesson. This type of teaching is especially difficult and requires a delicate balance.
Team Teaching
Where is the setting for co-teaching partnerships and co-teaching structures?
What is a classroom?
ICOT? or in this case COT?
What are Integrated Co-Teaching classrooms or Co-Teaching classrooms?
What is a co-teaching partnership in which one teacher teaches the whole class, and another teacher focuses on a small group of students?
What is a General Education ad Special Education Partnership?
What co-teaching partnerships offers small group strategies or specialize strategies for specific disabilities that compliment whole group instruction?
What are General Education and Interventionist Partnerships?
A type of teaching where one teacher leades instruction and the other teacher watches the whole class, individual students, or small groups. The purpose of this type of teaching is to eventually improve instruction.
One teach, One observe
What is the most common co-teaching partnership?
What are General Education and Special Education Partnerships?
What is the least restrictive environment?
In what place does collaborative teaching relationships occur?
What are Co-Teaching classrooms?
What co-teaching partnerships are unequal due to licensure and content expertise, but are becoming more frequent due to funding challenges?
What are General Education and Paraprofessional Partnerships?
A type of teaching where the class is divided into two groups. One group is large, while the other group is smaller. The small groups recieves teaching that helps them to either review past lessons or prepare for future lessons.
Alternative Teaching
What has a 0.40 effect size?
What is Co-Teaching?
4 PAIRs?
What is partnership, accountability, instruction, and responsibility?