7th Commandment
8th Commandment
9th Commandment

Who said this " Go and do likewise"

This is said in reference to what

Jesus tells this to us in Lk. 10:37, in reference to the Story of the Good Samaritan.


The basis of human life is____________

Mutual Trust


The Old Testament people compared the relationship between __________ and ______ to that of a marital relationship.

God and Israel.


What are some sins against the 7th commandment?

Using the common property carelessly or destroying it by exploiting natural resources, polluting the atmosphere.


True or False- It is not a grave sin to knowingly spoil the character of a person by defaming them.



________________ was the first miracle performed by Jesus. Where did he perform this miracle?

Turning the water into wine at the wedding in Cana

St Paul says_________. ________,_____ will never inherit the kingdom of God.

Thieves, usurers, drunkards, slanderers, and swindlers


What is Calumny

Making false and defamatory statements about a person with an intention to tarnish his/her reputation.


What is the indivisibility of marriage?

Marriage is a lifelong relationship. It is more than a covenant as by the sacrament of marriage man and woman become one in Jesus in a bond that cannot be broken.


Jesus desires that the basis of our sense of justice should be ________ and ________

Love and Fraternity


To make false statements is a ______________

Violation of the eight commandment


Marriage is the most sacred among human relations. True or False- explain your reasoning.

Marriage provides a sense of love, security, family, and trust. When a husband and wife love and respect each other they create a safe and happy environment for their children. They also stay together in times of difficulty and pray together.


What are the two types of Wealth? How should we use it?

Public Wealth and Personal Wealth.

Public wealth is common to all in society and everyone can use it.

Personal wealth is wealth an individual makes on his own and has the right to use it.


Your friend shares with you that they did not study for the test as they were busy. They ask you to sit next to them and share that they will ask you for help only if they need help. What will you do as a True Christian?

Not help the friend and have him/her/ they reach out to the teacher for help. By giving the answer we are violating the 8th commandment and not helping our friend truly succeed.


___________ is the sacrament of the covenant between Jesus and _________

Marriage, church.
