Overflow of excess water that can not be absorbed at Earth's surface
What is condensation?
The reason leaves appear to be green
The two main types of cells
What are prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
The parts that make up a substance
What is a monomer?
Make their own food
What are autotrophs?
The process of turning liquid water to water vapor
What is transpiration?
An organelle within the leaves of green plants
An example of a prokaryotic cell
What is bacteria?
The same as fats
What are lipids?
Consume other organisms for food
What are heterotrophs?
Surface water seeps in the ground and becomes groundwater
What is evaporation?
Produced in photosynthesis
What are glucose and oxygen
Examples of eukaryotic cells
What are plant and animal cells?
The two building blocks of lipids
What are fatty acids and Glycerol?
Animals, protists, fungi, some bacteria
What are examples of heterotrophs?
When water vapor from the atmosphere cools and converts to liquid
What is infiltration?
The three things used for photosynthesis
What are carbon dioxide, water and sunlight?
Larger, linear DNA, nucleus, multicellular
What is Eukaryotes?
The monomers of proteins
What are amino acids?
Another name for autotrophs
What are producers?
Where water is transferred to the atmosphere from plants and soil
What is surface runoff?
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
What is the formula for photosynthesis?
Simpler, no nucleus, smaller, and unicellular
What are prokaryotes?
Code for your traits
What are DNA and RNA?
Another name for heterotrophs
What are consumers?