First Americans
A Changing World
Cha Changes
Africa Rising

This is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

What is technology?


The first theory involving the arrival of the first Americans consisted of them walking across this created by the Ice Age.

What is a land bridge?


This empire fell, leaving people in Western Europe isolated from the rest of the world for centuries.

What is Rome?


These two things made it much easier to print books.

What are movable type and the printing press?


Mansa Musa was a powerful king who ruled this West African empire from 1312 to 1337. He made a pilgrimage to Makkah (also spelled Mecca), the Muslim holy city

What is Mali?


A period of extremely cold temperatures when part of the planet's surface was covered with massive ice sheets.

What is the Ice Age?


Nomads were constantly on the move to find this very important daily item.

What is food?


His travels to China from Italy inspired Christopher Columbus and other explorers to journey to these lands 200 years later.

Who is Marco Polo?


This instrument measured the position of stars. 

What is an astrolabe?


This means to sail around the world.

What is circumnavigate?


a scientific method used to determine the age of an artifact; works on organic materials up to about 60,000 years of age

What is carbon dating?


Most archaeologists now think the first Americans arrived this way.

What is by boat?


Traders wanted to avoid the route through Arab cities because Arab merchants did this. 

What is charged high prices?


This uses the Earth's magnetic field to direct people either North, South, East, or West.

What is a compass?


This was a huge West African trading empire between 400 and 1100. It traded largely in gold and salt.

What is Ghana?


"rebirth"; following the Middle Ages, a movement that centered on the revival of interest in the classical learning of Greece and Rome

What is the Renaissance?


These two things led to the first Americans remaining in the Americas after the disappearance of larger animals.

What is the abundance of small game, such as deer, as well as a new reliance on seeds and crops?


European Christians launched these to regain control of their holy sites.

What are the Crusades?


Larger and sturdier sailing vessels, such as the caravel, enabled sailors to travel to do these things. Name two of the four.

What is move faster and carry more people, cargo, and food?


Askiya Muhammad, the leader of this West African empire encouraged trade with Europe and Asia, introduced his country to a legal system, and a system of government, and schools.

What is Songhai?


A method of growing crops on the sides of hills or mountains by planting on graduated terraces built into the slope.

What is terrace farming?


Name two of the four ways the introduction of farming allowed a community of people to start doing.

What are building permanent structures of clay, brick, stone, or wood, making pottery and cloth, developing more complex forms of government, and ultimately the formation of a unique culture?


This period of intellectual and artistic creativity, which means "rebirth," spread throughout Europe in the 1400s and set the stage for an age of exploration and discovery.

What is the Renaissance?


He designed and built the first known mechanized printing press in Europe.

Who is Johannes Gutenberg?


Name the three West African kingdoms that flourished during the age of exploration.

What are Ghana, Mali, and Songhai?
