These theorists believe a child is born as an empty vessel.
The sound system of a language.
The theorist that created the zone of proximal development and that cognitive development is heavily influenced by the environment and culture.
A system of abstract symbols and rule governed structures; the specific conventions of which are learned.
The model that represents cognitive development where help from people who have greater knowledge, experience, and skills help others by scaffolding and interacting.
Zone of Proximal Development
They believe that meaning is attached to words through classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
They study of parts of a word.
The theorist that believed children process, identify, organized, and store information using schemas, and believed a child progressed through 4 stages of intellectual development.
The oral expression of language
According to Piaget, the cognitive process where a new stimulus is fit into an existing schema.
These theorists believe that children from different cultures follow similar patterns of language acquisition; evidence of the innateness of language.
Nativist Theorists
The 'meaning' component of language.
The theorist that believed that language is processed by universal and innate rules governing deep and surface structure, such as syntax.
The ability to represent and produce behaviors when the models are present and eventually later when models aren't present.
Knowing objects exist in time and space, even if you can't see or act upon them.
Social-Interactionist Theory.
The 5 components of language
Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics.
The theorist that created the 13 characteristics of communication in Humans.
A concept of communication and cognitive development where there are ways to attain a goal; such as a child reaching out for their cup when they are thirsty.
Means/ Ends
The primary language focus of Piaget
This is the primary language focus of the Social- Interactionist theory.
The 3 components of language that create 'Form' of a language.
Syntax, Morphology, and Phonology.
A proponent of Vygotsky would most likely believe in what theory of language acquisition?
Social-Interactionist Theory
Name one of the 2 areas in the brain that are responsible for language.
Wernicke's area, Broca's area
The primary language focus of a Nativist