Chapter 1
Chapter 2a
Chapter 2b
Chapter 3a
Chapter 3b
The scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another is a) Abnormal Psychology b) Self Concept c) Confidence Bias d) Social Psychology
d) Social Psychology
The adaptive value of anticipating problems and harnessing one's anxiety to motivate effective action is a) false consensus effect b) group serving bias c) locus of control d) defensive pessimism
d) defensive pessimism
Differing implicit (automatic) and explicit (consciously controlled) attitudes toward the same object is a) locus of control b) explicit attitudes c) dual attitude system d) collectivism
c) dual attitude system
Incorporating false information into one's memory of the event, after witnessing an event and receiving misleading information about it is a) belief perseverance b) misinformation effect c) confirmation bias d) misattribution
b) misinformation effect
The statistical tendency for extreme scores or extreme behavior to return towards one's mean is a) situational attribution b) regression toward the average c) behavioral confirmation d) counterfactual thinking
b) regression toward the average
The tendency to exaggerate, after learning an outcome, one's ability to have foreseen how something turned out is a) Overconfidence phenomenon b) False consensus effect c) Hindsight bias d) Representative heuristic
c) Hindsight bias
The sense of hopelessness and resignation learned when a human or animal perceives no control over repeated bad events is a) self-handicapping b) learned helplessness c) interdependent self d) overconfidence phenomenon
b) learned helplessness
The tendency to perceive oneself favorable is a) self-efficacy b) self-serving attributions c) self-serving bias d) self-monitoring
c) self-serving bias
The theory of how people explain others' behavior--for example, by attributing it either to internal dispositions or to external situations is a) attribution theory b) misattribution c) overconfidence phenomenon d) confirmation bias
a) attribution theory
A tendency to be more confident than correct--to overestimate the accuracy of one's belief is a) confirmation bias b) representative heuristic c) planning fallacy d) overconfidence phenomenon
d) overconfidence phenomenon
The study of the naturally occurring relationships between variables is a) experimental research b) correlational research c) random sample d) mundane realism
b) correlational research
The human tendency to underestimate the speed and the strength of the "psychological immune system", which enables emotional recovery and resilience after bad things happen is a) locus of control b) illusion of control c) immune neglect d) control processing
c) immune neglect
A sense that one is competent and effective which is one's sense of self-worth is a) self-efficacy b) self-esteem c) misattribution d) self-awareness
a) self-efficacy
The tendency to presume, sometimes despite contrary odds, that someone or something belongs to a particular group if resembling (representing) a typical member is a) availability heuristic b) counterfactual thinking c) representativeness heuristic d) illusory correlation
c) representativeness heuristic
Persistence of one's initial conceptions, such as when the basis for one's belief is discredited but an explanation of why the belief might be true survives is a) misinformation effect b) controlled processing c) belief perseverance d) confirmation bias
c) belief perseverance
An ethical principle requiring that research participants be told enough to enable them to choose whether they wish to participate is a) informed consent b) debriefing c) theory d) framing
a) informed consent
Which concept is NOT related to your sense of self? a) self-concept b) self-schema c) self-effect d) self-efficacy
c) self-effect
The tendency to underestimate the commonality of one's abilities and one's desirable or unsuccessful behaviors is a) false consensus effect b) false uniqueness effect c) self-handicapping d) self-presentation
b) false uniqueness effect
Perception of uncontrollable events as subject to one's control or as more controllable than they are is a) illusory correlation b) illusion of control c) illusion of transparency d) locus of control
b) illusion of control
Perception of a relationship where none exists, or perception of a stronger relationship than actually exists is a) illusion of control b) illusory correlation c) heuristics d) misattribution
b) illusory correlation
Which of the following is NOT one of the six big ideas: a) We construct our social reality b) Social behavior is biologically rooted c) Social thinking determines your future d) Social psychology's principles are applicable in everyday life
c) Social thinking determines your future
Which does NOT correlate with the dark side of self-esteem? a) narcissism b) machiavellianism c) pessimism d) anti-social psychopathology
c) pessimism
Which one is NOT related to the sense of self in the social world? a) social surroundings affect our self awareness b) self concern motivates our social behavior c) social relationships help define our self d) social behavior affects our social judgment
d) social behavior affects our social judgment
The tendency for observers to underestimate situational influences and overestimate dispositional influences upon others' behavior and the opposite tendency to underestimate dispositional factors and overestimate situational factors for ourselves is a) attribution theory b) dispositional attribution c) situational attribution d) fundamental attribution error
d) fundamental attribution error
Which is NOT included in Harold Kelley's Theory of Attributes? a) consistency b) misattributions c) distinctiveness d) consensus
b) misattributions