multiple choice
multiple choice 2
multiple choice 3
Mixed Questions
Mixed Questions 2

What crazy idea does Cal come up with to get Zachary Beaver out of his trailer?

Take him to a fancy dinner OR take him to the drive-in movies

take him to the drive-in movies


What does Toby give Scarlett that he leaves on her front door step

His mother's pearl necklace OR box of chocolates 

His mother's pearl necklace 


What happened to Wayne(Cal's brother)?

Wayne died serving in Vietnam OR he was in a car accident 

Wayne died serving in Vietnam


Where does Toby take Scarlett on his bike?

Juan's house OR Bowl-a-rama 

Juan's house 


Why did the "hippies" spit on the soldiers returning from the war?

Hippies wanted peace & didn't believe in war OR Just hated soldiers

Hippies wanted peace & didn't believe in war 


What do Toby and Cal build as part of Cal's crazy idea?

Build steps out of wood to get Zachary in the truck OR build a lift 

Build steps out of wood to get Zachary in the truck


Who sends the Reverend Newton to Toby's house?

Miss Myrtie Mae tells Reverend Newton about the baptism questions Toby was asking OR Cal to help Zachary

Miss Myrtie Mae tells Reverend Newton about the baptism questions Toby was asking 


What two things does Toby miss that are very important to Cal?

A dance & movie night  OR Wayne's viewing & funeral 

Wayne's viewing & funeral


Who was baptized in the story?

Zachary Beaver OR Cal

Zachary Beaver


Zachary almost drowned during his baptism.

True OR False 



How does Zachary act when people point, laugh and stare at him?

He gets up & tries to leave OR He crosses his arms and looks away because he is embarrassed 

He crosses his arms and looks away because he is embarrassed 


When Toby goes back to Scarlett's house to take the gift back who has it?

Scarlett OR Tara(Scarltett's little sister)

Tara(Scarlett's little sister)


When Toby goes to the Bowl-a-rama Ferris makes a confession what is it?

Ferris confesses that he went "yellow" or that he shot himself in the leg so that he didn't have to go to the Korean War OR he stole money

Ferris confesses that he went "yellow" or that he shot himself in the leg so that he didn't have to go to the Korean War


Having the toy soldiers showed that Toby idolized who?

Paulie OR Wayne



Paulie Rankin never came back for Zachary.

True OR False 



What does Kate take from Zachary's trailer in a paper bag?

Kate takes Zachary's laundry to wash it for him OR takes his Bible

Kate takes Zachary's laundry to wash it for him


What is the Ladybug Waltz?

A dance Scarlett performs OR they take Ladybugs into the cotton field & the ladybugs eat the worms and help the cotton grow 

they take Ladybugs into the cotton field & the ladybugs eat the worms and help the cotton grow


Cal is angry and comes into Zachary's trailer and what does Cal do and say?

Says Zach your fat & leaves OR Throws $46 down & says you are both big fat liars & deserve each other

Throws $46 down & says you are both big fat liars & deserve each other 


What is the setting of the story?

Summer in Antlers, Texas OR Summer in Tennessee 

Summer in Antlers, Texas


What words of wisdom does Wayne write to Cal in his last letter?

Enjoy being a kid, don't be a soldier & keep your nose clean  OR Become a soldier like him & stay friends with Toby

Enjoy being a kid, don't be a soldier & keep your nose clean.


During Toby's second visit to Miss Myrtie Mae's house to work what does the Judge start doing to him?

He calls Toby TJ and throws apples at him like he is pitching in a baseball game OR Yells at him to go away

He calls Toby TJ and throws apples at him like he is pitching in a baseball game.


What does Toby's mom want him to do before summer is over?

She wants Toby to come and visit her in Nashville, Tennessee OR she wants him to move to Nashville, Tennessee

She wants Toby to come and visit her in Nashville, Tennessee 

Toby is working at the Bowl-a-rama with Ferris and Scarlett comes in to see Toby why?

To return the pearl necklace & tell Toby she only likes him as a friend  OR To confess she likes Toby & likes his gift.

To return the pearl necklace & tell Toby she only likes him as a friend.


What would have happened if Paulie Rankin didn't return for Zachary?

He would move with friends OR go to a foster home 

go to a foster home 


Why were the flags on Ivy Street being flown at half mast?

Out of respect for Wayne who died for his country OR because the flag is always flown at half mast.

Out of respect for Wayne who died for his country. 
