The classroom can be a place to?
Grow, expand, test ideas, predict outcomes, and ask questions.
What can Teachers do to motivate the interest in and use of the center?
Posting children’s work on the center bulletin board, planning chalkboard activities, and printing messages that may catch the children’s attention.
Where is the ideal classroom location for computers?
It's a visible location, and monitors are visible throughout the classroom so that students can be supervised and helped effectively.
How do Preschool staff members prepare for home-based conferences with individual families?
They collect child work samples, observation records, and social and academic progress assessments.
What classroom area is expressly set aside and equipped for language arts-related activities and child use?
Language Center
One would hope a learning center would attract and provide the means for children to carry out what?
Their self-chosen activities, as well as teacher-planned and directed ones.
A language center has three main functions: what are they?
(1) it provides looking and listening activities for children,
(2) it gives children an area for hands-on experiences with communication-developing materials, and
(3) it provides a place to store materials.
Open-ended programs spark children’s interest as well as?
Social and cognitive development.
What is one central point to transmit to families about Phonemic Awareness?
1. phonemic awareness is an essential skill in learning to read;
2. preschoolers can become aware of and play with sounds, rhymes, and silly words;
3. speech is composed of small units called phonemes (sounds) and
4. lots of family word-play with letter sounds can increase a child's skill
What is a community program attempting to provide literacy-building opportunities and experiences for families? Services are available for both adults and children.
Family Literacy Programs
Early childhood classroom offers materials that?
Capture attention, motivate play, and build communication skills.
Why is it essential to display children’s work?
It increases their feelings of accomplishment and pride in their classroom and honors the children as vital members of the classroom community.
Name a few benefits children may have when computers r introduced to the classroom.
Opportunity to create literary works that then can be recorded.
Exposure to rhyme.
What can family mailboxes and shared messages on digital apps hold?
Important milestones, a child’s special events, or unique daily happenings.
What mechanical or non-mechanical item is valuable in offering sight or hearing experience?
Audiovisual Equipment
What classroom displays of diverse children’s household items may they have?
Cultural clothing, musical instruments, printed language examples, books, and photographs
Educators emphasize the importance of block areas, housekeeping, and other dramatic play areas because?
It encourages large amounts of social interaction and more mature, complex language.
A writing center may include?
writing utensils
writing materials
computer or tablet with a keyboard
What are some ways that families can contribute to children’s language learning and literacy?
Joining class field trips, performing maintenance tasks, and spending time fundraising.
What are picture files?
Collections of drawings and photographs are made available to children in classroom language centers.
What were Reutzel and Clark's (2011) suggestions for creating an effective literacy classroom?
Taking an inventory of supplies, furnishings, and literacy materials, including the classroom book collection and the technology available.
What are the five suggested furnishings categories?
1. General-Use Materials
2. Writing and Prewriting Materials
3. Reading and Prereading Materials
4. Speech Materials
5. Audiovisual Equipment
A reading center may include?
headsets and taped stories
felt board and story characters with the related books
materials for constructing felt stories
Good fathering contributes to young children's development by promoting?
Emotional security, curiosity, math, and verbal skills.
What is a wide range of commercial programs developed for computer users’ convenience, education, entertainment, and so on?