Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Extra Questions
Extra Questions

The United States Government draws inspirations from both the Italian and French Kingdoms as models for its own creation. 

False: The U.S Government draws inspiration from the British government especially the British parliament, the British Bill of Rights, and idea of limited government. 


Describe the concept of "LIMITED GOVERNMENT"

Powers and functions of the U.S government are restricted by the constitution. 


In simple terms define "Federalism". 

Federalism is a system of government where you have an overall Federal government cooperating with state and local governments under it. 


Who are the Framers? 

The Framers are the representatives who wrote the U.S Constitution. 


What was the Constitutional Convention?

The c

What aspect of the British Parliament did we in the United States borrow for our own government? 

Two-Chamber Legislature, but in the U.S we call our two chambers the House of Representatives and the Senate. 


Describe the concept of "POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY". Why is this idea important in American government?

Is the idea that the power and strength of the government rests with the American people as we are the ones that gave our consent to be governed. 



Enumerated Powers are powers that are directly written into the constitution while implied powers are not specifically listed in the constitution but are considered an extension of expressed powers. 


What was the Magna Carta? In Which country was it written? What was its purpose?

The Magna Carta was a document that was written in England in 1215 and it dictated that the King of England was not above the law. 


Who is the best period for D202 U.S Gov

Trick question lol

Describe some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

Congress could not enforce taxes, laws, raise enough money to maintain a military, allowed for other states to print their own currency, and often had to ask states for funding. 


In your textbook, it describes the United States Constitution as a "Document for All Time". What makes the constitution a document that would last for future generations?

The U.S Constitution was designed by the framers to be continuously changed to meet the needs of changing generations.  


What is Dual Federalism?

The Federal and State government had equal power and authority within their spheres of influence. 


When it came to the issue of slavery and population, describe the 3/5 compromise?

When it came to the issue of determining the number of members a state would send to the House of Representatives, every 3 out of 5 slaves would be counted towards a states population.

Although we have had other political parties in the U.S, there are two major ones in this year's election. What are those two parties, their goals, and their presidential candidates?

The two political parties in the U.S are the Republicans and the Democrats. The goals of the Republicans include a strong economy and national security while the Democrats goals include free health care and a strong economy as well. The candidates for this years election are Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democrats and former President Donald Trump for the Republicans. 


Name and Describe all the Amendments in your Bill of Rights

1st: Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, and Assembly. 

2nd: Right to Bear Arms

3rd: No Quartering of soldiers. 

4: Prevention of unreasonable search and seizure.

5: Prevent self-incrimination

6. Right to a speedy trial

7. Right to a trial by jury.

8. Prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. 

9. Rights not specifically listed are retained by the people. 

10. Grants states powers not listed in the constitution. 


Define the Amendment Process. Why was this process intentionally made difficult?

The Amendment process is simply the process in which new Amendments were added, current Amendments changed, or repealed. The process was made difficult because the founding fathers reasoned if it was too easy, violations of rights would begin to occur. 


Describe Fiscal Federalism and explain how the Federal government uses this to maintain control over the states, territories and territories. 

The Federal government provides funding in various forms to provide for services such as construction, public health, education. However, such funding do come with conditions that states, commonwealths, and territories must abide. 

If you recall from Chapter 2, what were the two plans involved in the Great Compromise?
The best elements of the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan were decided on and chosen during a discussion known as the Great Compromise. 

What are the three branches of government? Describe their duties

Executive Branch: Enforces the Law

Legislative Branch: Proposes Bills and puts bills through the process of becoming laws.

Judicial Branch: Interprets the Law and determines if laws are abide by the constitution


What was the Stamp Act of 1765? If you are not sure make an educated guess.

The Stamp Act required a government stamp on all legal documents, newspapers, contracts, licenses, and contracts 


Describe some of the criticisms associated with the U.S Constitution. 

1. Creates a system of Gridlock

2. Questions of the number of representatives a state, commonwealth or territory can send to government. 

3. The Electoral College

4. Winner takes all elections. 


In your textbook there are two types of grants associated with Fiscal Federalism. What are they?

Categorical Grants: Federal funding used only for specific purposes. 

Block Grants: Federal funding that is legal for use in a wider range of purposes such as public health and education. 


Describe some of the duties of the President of the United States (POTUS)

1. Commanding the Army and Navy

2. Head the Executive Department

3. Grant crimes for crimes

4. Making treaties with other nations

5. Nominating judges, ambassadors, public ministers consuls and judges of the supreme court

6. Recommending legislation to congress

7. Signing and vetoing bills

8. Receiving foreign ambassadors and diplomats


The United States Congress is made up of two parts. What are those two components and how are their members decided?

Congress is made up of a House of Representatives and a Senate. Members of the  House of Representatives are determined by a states population and the Senate is determined by equal representation.  