Individual, institutional, & cultural expression of superiority of one group’s cultural heritage over another’s
Identify and describe the five stages of the Cross Black Identity Development Model?
What are the five concepts listed in your book that help to conceptualize Ethnocentric Monoculturalism?
Belief in Superiority
Belief in Inferiority of Others
Power to Impose Standards
Manifestation in Institutions
The Invisible Veil
Belief in Superiority
The standards for must statuses is based on White Euro- American Culture. The standards on beauty is based on those with blonde hair blue eyes. Christianity is the standard religion. Heterosexuality is the standard sexual orientation. Control of emotions falls under the belief of Superiority as well as the belief on individualism.
Belief in inferiority
Power to impose Standards
The dominant group possesses the power to impose its standards and beliefs on the less powerful group. Consider following groups (white vs. black) (heterosexuality vs. homosexuality)
Manifestation in Institutions
Ethnocentric values and beliefs are manifested in the programs policies, practices, structures, and institutions of the society. For example chain of command.
Belief in Superiority
The standards for must statuses is based on White Euro- American Culture. The standards on beauty is based on those with blonde hair blue eyes. Christianity is the standard religion. Heterosexuality is the standard sexual orientation. Control of emotions falls under the belief of Superiority as well as the belief on individualism.
Belief in inferiority
Power to impose Standards
The dominant group possesses the power to impose its standards and beliefs on the less powerful group. Consider following groups (white vs. black) (heterosexuality vs. homosexuality)
Manifestation in Institutions
Ethnocentric values and beliefs are manifested in the programs policies, practices, structures, and institutions of the society. For example chain of command.
Studies reveal that individuals who are different physically and adhere to cultural differences are more likely to be evaluated negatively in schools and workplaces. Culturally different individuals may be seen as less intelligent less qualified within social settings
Identify and describe the three differences documented in the study of Chinese American students.
Set of policies, priorities, and accepted normative patterns designed to subjugate and oppress individuals and groups and to force them to be dependent on the larger society. Institutional status has fostered the enactment of discriminatory statutes, the selective enforcement of law blocking opportunity
Identify and describe the four types with respect to Japanese Americans.
What are the six themes of gender microaggressions
Identity development models begin when?
What is Microaggressions?
Brief and commonplace daily verbal or behavioral and environmental indignities whether intentional or unintentional that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults to the target person or group
Ruiz made several underlying assumptions based on case studies of Latino/Hispanic clients. What are they?
What are four of the major themes of sexual orientation microaggressions
Describe integrative awareness stage
What is the cornerstone of racial identity development models?
Acknowledgment of sociopolitical influences in shaping minority identity
Describe the conformity stage.
Describe the Feminist Identity Model. Are there differences or similarities between the stages in this model versus other identity models? What are they?
Based on the belief that the patriarchal aspect of US society is responsible for many of the problems faced by women.
Belief that women show a variety of reactions to subordinate status
Describe Introspection Stage
Which identity development model is the most influential and well documented?
The Cross black identity development model