Short Answer
  • What is Ethnocentric Monoculturalism?

Individual, institutional, & cultural expression of superiority of one group’s cultural heritage over another’s


Identify and describe the five stages of the Cross Black Identity Development Model?

  • Pre-encounter: embracing dominant culture; consciously or unconsciously devalue black race; strong desire to assimilate into white society; self-hatred, low self-esteem, poor mental health
  • Encounter: first, encounters a profound crisis that challenges pre-encounter thinking; second, begins to reinterpret the world – shift in worldview
  • Immersion – emersion: withdraws from dominant culture and becomes immersed in African American culture; an increasing sense of pride
  • Internalization: global anti-white feelings begin to subside; becomes more flexible and tolerant and more bi-cultural or multicultural
  • Internalization- commitment: commitment that individuals have toward social change, social justice and civil rights

What are the five concepts listed in your book that help to conceptualize Ethnocentric Monoculturalism?

Belief in Superiority

Belief in Inferiority of Others

Power to Impose Standards

Manifestation in Institutions

The Invisible Veil 

  • What are the five concepts listed in your book that help to conceptualize Ethnocentric Monoculturalism? Explain these concepts.

Belief in Superiority

The standards for must statuses is based on White Euro- American Culture. The standards on beauty is based on those with blonde hair blue eyes. Christianity is the standard religion. Heterosexuality is the standard sexual orientation. Control of emotions falls under the belief of Superiority as well as the belief on individualism.

Belief in inferiority

  • Dark complexion
  • Black hair
  • Brown eyes
  • Non-Christian religion
  • Collectivism
  • Present time orientation
  • Shared wealth

Power to impose Standards 

The dominant group possesses the power to impose its standards and beliefs on the less powerful group.  Consider following groups (white vs. black) (heterosexuality vs. homosexuality)

Manifestation in Institutions

Ethnocentric values and beliefs are manifested in the programs policies, practices, structures, and institutions of the society.  For example chain of command.

Belief in Superiority

The standards for must statuses is based on White Euro- American Culture. The standards on beauty is based on those with blonde hair blue eyes. Christianity is the standard religion. Heterosexuality is the standard sexual orientation. Control of emotions falls under the belief of Superiority as well as the belief on individualism.

Belief in inferiority

  • Dark complexion
  • Black hair
  • Brown eyes
  • Non-Christian religion
  • Collectivism
  • Present time orientation
  • Shared wealth

Power to impose Standards 

The dominant group possesses the power to impose its standards and beliefs on the less powerful group.  Consider following groups (white vs. black) (heterosexuality vs. homosexuality)

Manifestation in Institutions

Ethnocentric values and beliefs are manifested in the programs policies, practices, structures, and institutions of the society.  For example chain of command.

  • The Invisible Veil
  •  People are all products of cultural conditioning; their values & beliefs create a veil that exists outside of conscious awareness  
  • What have studies consistently revealed about individuals who are different physically and adhere to different cultural beliefs?

Studies reveal that individuals who are different physically and adhere to cultural differences are more likely to be evaluated negatively in schools and workplaces. Culturally different individuals may be seen as less intelligent less qualified within social settings

  • Explain White Privilege
  • Invisible knapsack of unearned assets that can be cashed in each day for advantages not given to those who do not have such privilege 
  • People identified as a white are perceived more favorably and often are afforded easier access to the principles and rewards of lag

Identify and describe the three differences documented in the study of Chinese American students.

  • Traditionalist – internalizes conventional Chinese customs and values; resists acculturation
  • Marginal-person – attempts to assimilate and acculturate into white society; rejects traditional Chinese ways; internalizes dominant culture’s negativity toward minority groups; possible self-hatred
  • Asian American – in the process of forming a positive identity, who is ethnically and politically aware and who is becoming increasingly bicultural
  • What were three things African Americans were supposed to do in order to survive during slavery and times of segregation? Critically think of how these three things play into society today from this particular minority group.
  • To express aggression indirectly
  • Defense mechanism w/ which people of color protect themselves from harm & exploitation 
  • To read the thoughts of others while hiding their own
  • Individuals have mixed feelings into saying what’s on their mind because they know the retaliation they will receive from it 
  • To engage in ritualized accommodating-subordinating behaviors designed to create as few waves as possible
  • Forcing oneself to conform to set rules in order to fit and create less problems
  • Lose a piece of self-identity to fit someone’s ideal perception  
  • What three categories can microaggressive acts fall into? How are they different from each other?
  • Microassaults- explicit, derogatory, and violent verbal or nonverbal attacks that are intended to hurt, degrade, and discriminate against a person (basically old fashion racism. Example: a muslim being attacked verbally after 9/11
  • Microinsults- demeaning remarks that convey rudeness. These are hidden assaults that are outside of the perpetrators awareness. Example: A tall African American asked if he plays basketball simply because he is black and tall
  • Microinvalidations-are comments that dismiss the thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of the target person or group. These insults are outside of the awareness of the perpetrator. Example: a person claiming they do not see color.
  • What are some ways a professor can limit microaggressions from occurring in a classroom?
  • Professors must acknowledge that they cannot possibly know everything about every sociodemographic population
  • What an individual knows does not apply to everyone
  • Not to paraphrase or alter a student’s description of an event
  • Address microaggressions; instead of being bystanders and not educating students on them
  • Describe Institutional Racism.

Set of policies, priorities, and accepted normative patterns designed to subjugate and oppress individuals and groups and to force them to be dependent on the larger society.  Institutional status has fostered the enactment of discriminatory statutes, the selective enforcement of law blocking opportunity


Identify and describe the four types with respect to Japanese Americans.

  • Positive-positive: identifies with dominant and Japanese culture without conflict
  • Negative-positive: rejection of white culture and acceptance of Japanese culture with role conflicts
  • Positive-negative: accepts white culture and rejects Japanese culture with role conflicts
  • Negative-negative: rejects both cultures

What are the six themes of gender microaggressions

  • Sexual objection (a women is treated as a sexual object)
  • Second class citizen (men are given preferential treatment over women)
  • Assumptions of inferiority (women are assumed to be less competent than men, either physically or intellectually)
  • Denial of the reality of the sexism (occurs when men tell women that they are exaggerating the frequency of gender-based remarks)
  • Assumptions about traditional gender roles
  • Use of sexist language (occurs when language is used to demean women)
  • Denial of individual sexism
  • What are the psychological dilemmas that are a part of the dynamics of microaggressions? Explain these Dilemmas.
  • The class of sociodemographic realities
  • The invisibility of unintentional expressions of bias- the individual struggles with how to prove that a microagression has occurred
  • The perceived minimal harm of microaggressions- the individual questions whether they should take offense to a particular microaggression
  •  The catch 22 of Responding to Microaggressions- the individual struggles with how to address the offender.  This dilemma causes the individual to question whether they are unintentionally being attacked.

Identity development models begin when?



What is Microaggressions?

Brief and commonplace daily verbal or behavioral and environmental indignities whether intentional or unintentional that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults to the target person or group


Ruiz made several underlying assumptions based on case studies of Latino/Hispanic clients. What are they?

  • Culture-specific explanation for identity for Latino/Hispanic clients
  • Marginal status of Hispanics/Latinos highly correlated with maladjustment
  • Negative experiences of forced assimilation are destructive
  • Having pride in one’s cultural heritage and ethnic identity as positively correlated with mental health
  • Price in one’s ethnicity affords the Latino/Hispanic individual greater freedom in expressing his or her cultural and ethnic heritage

What are four of the major themes of sexual orientation microaggressions

  • Assumptions that all LGBTQ  individuals are the same
  • Expression of heteronormative assumption that LGBTQ individuals need psychotherapeutic treatment ( basically saying that because an individual is Gay they are struggling with mental illness)
  • Expression of heteronormative bias ( occurs when heterosexist language is used to degrade LGBTQ persons) Consider the word queer
  • Assumption of sexual pathology ( assuming that LGBTQ are sexual deviants)

Describe integrative awareness stage

  • Developed inner sense of security & now can own & appreciate unique aspects of their culture as well as those of the dominant of U.S. culture 
  • Minority person has made a significant commitment to eliminating all forms of oppression & has a strong desire to so 

What is the cornerstone of racial identity development models?

Acknowledgment of sociopolitical influences in shaping minority identity


Describe the conformity stage.

  • Distinguished by their unequivocal preference for dominant cultural values over their own
  • Ex. White Americans = primary reference group
  • Lifestyle, value system, & cultural or physical characteristics highly valued, while other minority groups are disdain or hold low salience for person 

Describe the Feminist Identity Model. Are there differences or similarities between the stages in this model versus other identity models? What are they?

Based on the belief that the patriarchal aspect of US society is responsible for many of the problems faced by women.

Belief that women show a variety of reactions to subordinate status

  • Passive acceptance: accepts traditional gender roles and sees them as advantageous; considers men to be superior to women; unaware or in denial of discrimination
  • Revelation: events involving sexism occur that can’t be denied; personal awakening to prejudice, becomes angry, feels guilty for previously being unaware
  • Embeddedness-emanation: begins to form close relationships with other women; able to express emotions in a supportive environment
  • Synthesis: a positive feminist identity is fully developed; sexism is no longer considered to be the cause of all social and personal problems and other factors are considered
  • Active commitment: woman is now interested in turning her attention toward making societal changes

  • Three themes of disability microaggressions
  • Denial of personal identity
  • denial of privacy
  • helplessness- assuming that all individuals need help other

Describe Introspection Stage

  • Individuals begin to discover that level of intensity of their feelings in former stage is psychologically draining & does not permit them to really devote more crucial energies to understanding themselves or their own racial/cultural group
  • Minority individual experiences feelings of discontent & discomfort w/ group views that may be quite rigid to the resistance & immersion stage 

Which identity development model is the most influential and well documented?

The Cross black identity development model
