Chapter 7: Present Progressive
Spelling Rules: (ing) Forms
Chapter 8 - The Past
Spelling Rules: (ed) Forms
Chapter 9 - multiple choice
Take your umbrella. (It rains! / It's raining!)
Take your umbrella. It's raining!
Verbs that end in a consonant and silent e:
drop the -e and add -ing make-making
YESTERDAY, LAST or AGO: 1. Many years ___________ Frank was a bus driver. 2. We were at the beach _________ afternoon. 3. They were on vacation in Italy _______ week.
1. ago 2. yesterday 3. last
Verbs that end in silent e:
add -d. hike - We hiked.
What is the question for this statement? She loved clowns.
What did she love?
Who __________ (give) the lessons?
Who's/Who is giving the lessons?
Two-syllable verbs that end in CVC and have the stress on the second syllable:
double the final consonant and add -ing. begin - beginning
last/you/on vacation/week/Were
Were you on vacation last week?
For two-syllable verbs that end in CVC and have the stress on the second syllable:
double the final consonant and add -ed prefer - We preferred the first hotel
Create a simple past question from the following words: What/you/eat/for breakfast/this morning
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
SIMPLE PRESENT vs. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Florida __________ (get) a lot of hurricanes.
gets Remember: Use simple present to talk about habits or routines, schedules, and facts.
Verbs that end in -w, -x, or -y:
add -ing, but do not double the final consonant. grow-growing
Correct this sentence using the simple past: Someone take my car keys.
Someone took my car keys.
For verbs that end in consonant + -y:
change the -y to -i and add -ed. study - I studied French for one year.
Put the words in the correct order to make a Wh- question. Make any corrections necessary. Who/her/were/cousins/did
Who were her cousins?
Simple Past Irregular Verbs: Many common verbs are irregular in the past. They do not have -ed endings.
True - Example: She (goes) to Italy every summer. She (went) to Italy last summer.
Use the present progressive to talk about actions that are in progress now. The actions are completed.
False - The actions are NOT completed.
PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Use the verb do or does in short answers to Yes/No questions.
False - Use the verb be in short answers to Yes/No questions. Do not use do or does.
PAST TIME CLAUSES WITH BEFORE and AFTER: A time clause can come before or after a main clause. Use a comma when a time clause is at the end of the sentence.
False - Use a comma when a time clause is at the beginning of the sentence.
PRESENT PROGRESSIVE - The contracted form of the verb be is not usually used in negative questions.
False - The contracted form of the verb be IS usually used in negative questions.
(Wh) questions with (who) or (what) can be about a subject or an object. How can you tell if a question is about a subject or an object?
When the question is about a SUBJECT you use the: question word, verb, and the rest of the sentence. Never use DID when the question is about a subject. When the question is about an OBJECT, you use the: Question word, AUXILIARY (DO present, DID, DOES present), SUBJECT, verb, and the rest of the sentence.
Use (When) in a time clause to talk about two actions or events in the present. The action or event in the (when clause) happened second. The action or event in the main clause happened first.
False - Use (When) in a time clause to talk about two actions or events in the PAST. The action or event in the (when clause) happened FIRST. The action or event in the main clause happened SECOND.
When a Who question is about a subject, use the plural form of the verb if the answer is plural.
False - use the SINGULAR form of the verb even if the answer is plural.
Use the past tense form of the verb after the subject in simple past Yes/No questions
False - Use the BASE form of the verb after the subject in simple past Yes/No questions
The past of (read) has the same form as the simple present, and the pronunciation is the same.
False - The past of (read) has the same form as the simple present, but the pronunciation is different. PRONOUNCE BOTH FORMS