What is 1 thing that Christians can look forward to because of Jesus' resurrection?
a future bodily resurrection and a new creation
What Jewish festival did Jesus celebrate with his disciples the night before his death?
The passover
What event is the center point of all biblical theology?
Jesus' death on the cross
How can we be saved from the wrath of God?
by the blood of Jesus
Which word or phrase means “to cover someone’s debt?
Which event signifies Jesus’ enthronement in heaven, where he reigns with God while the church carries out its mission
His ascension
Where was sacrificial blood sprinkled on the Day of Atonement?
The mercy seat
How is greatness measured in Jesus’ Kingdom
sacrifice and service
How can God’s love and justice work together?
God's wrath is his love in action against sin
What 2 things is Jesus now doing?
reigning with God and interceding for us
What does the tearing of the curtain to the Holy of Holies at Jesus’ death represent
That Jesus' death provided us with access to God.
What is 1 thing that Jesus' resurrection proves?
That he was not a lunatic or a liar.
That he was who he said he was: the Son of God.
That his death achieved a definitive forgiveness of sins.
What phrase is defined as: Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection brought about the kingdom of God now, but did not yet consummate it.
inaugurated eschatology
What are 2 out of the 3 things that God promises in the new covenant?
What are 2 of the 5 parts of Jesus’ ministry that were controversial in his culture?
Ministry on the Sabbath
Ministry to “sinners”
Ministry to Gentiles
Critique of the religious leaders
Claim to be God
How is God is just (or righteous) to be angry at sin and punish it?
because sin is a slander on his holiness, glory, and great worth.
If someone asked you if believing in the facts of Jesus’ death and resurrection was enough to be saved, what would you say?
No. Even demons believe. Jesus doesn’t want our intellectual assent; he wants a heart belief. We must believe and receive - or repent
How did Jesus go off script at the Lord's Supper?
What does penal substitutionary atonement mean?
Jesus bore our sins and suffered the penalty we deserved. In so doing, God’s wrath toward sin and the demands of his justice were satisfied.
What were 2 of the 4 E's from Lee Strobel's video, and what do they mean?
Execution - Jesus was dead
Early - there were early reports of his resurrection (it wasn't a legend)
Empty - even the enemies of Jesus admitted that the tomb was empty
Eyewitnesses - There were many eyewitnesses that were willing to give their lives for this message