Kindness Matters
Showing Respect to Friends
Being Responsible: What It Means
Being a Great Team Player
Why is it important to follow the rules, even if no one is watching?

What does it mean to be kind to others?

Being kind means helping others, using nice words, and making others feel happy and cared for.


Can you think of a time when you were brave?

I was brave when I tried something new, like speaking in front of the class or standing up for a friend.


What does being responsible mean to you?

Being responsible means taking care of my things, doing my homework, and doing what I’m asked without being reminded.


Why is it important to say “thank you”?

Saying “thank you” shows you are grateful and it makes the person feel appreciated for what they did.


How can you make your classroom a better place for everyone?

I can help keep it clean, be kind to everyone, and follow the rules to make it a fun place to learn.


How do you show respect to your friends?

I listen to them, share, and speak kindly, even when we don’t agree.


How do you handle it when things don’t go your way?

I take a deep breath, stay calm, and remind myself that I can try again or that it’s okay not to win sometimes.


How can you show kindness to someone new at school?

I can introduce myself, show them around, and invite them to play with me.


How can you be a good team player?

I can listen to others’ ideas, do my part, and encourage everyone to work together.


What do you think it means to have a positive attitude?

Having a positive attitude means thinking good thoughts, staying hopeful, and trying my best, even when things are hard.


How do you help someone who is feeling sad?

I ask them what’s wrong, listen to them, and maybe give them a hug or say something to cheer them up.


What can you do if you see someone being treated unfairly?

I can tell an adult or step in to help them by standing up for them or inviting them to play with me.


Why is it important to keep trying, even when something is hard?

If I keep trying, I’ll get better, and it feels really good to finish something that was difficult.


What makes someone a good leader?

A good leader listens, helps others, makes fair decisions, and sets a good example by doing the right thing.


How do you show respect to adults?

I listen when they talk, follow their instructions, and speak to them politely.


Why is it important to be honest?

Being honest helps people trust you and it makes you feel good because you did the right thing.


Why is it important to include others?

Including others makes everyone feel happy and like they belong. It’s nice to make sure no one feels left out.


What do you do when you make a mistake?

I apologize if I hurt someone, learn from the mistake, and try to do better next time.


How do you feel when you accomplish something hard?

I feel proud, excited, and like I can do even harder things in the future.


How can you show patience when waiting for something?

I can stay calm, maybe count to ten, or think about something else while I wait.


What does it mean to be a good friend?

A good friend is someone who listens, plays nicely, shares, and helps when needed.


How do you feel when you help someone?

I feel proud, happy, and like I made a difference in someone’s day.


How do you handle disagreements with others?

I listen to their side, stay calm, and try to solve the problem by talking or finding something we both agree on.


What should you do if you see someone being bullied?

I should tell a teacher or adult, stand up for the person, or help them walk away from the bully.


Why is it important to follow the rules, even if no one is watching?

Following the rules shows that you are trustworthy and responsible, and it’s the right thing to do, no matter what.
