What word describes someone who is very happy?
Joyful or Excited
Sharing your toys.
Kind, because sharing makes others happy
Show what someone looks like when they are excited!
Smiling, jumping, clapping hands.
I always say "please" and "thank you."
What do we call someone who feels scared of something? (Another word for scared)
Afraid or Nervous
Pushing someone on the playground.
Not kind, because it can hurt them
Act out being shy when meeting a new friend.
Looking down, speaking softly, hiding behind a friend.
I work hard and never give up.
Determined or Hardworking
What word describes someone who never gives up, even when something is hard?
Helping a friend who fell down.
Kind, because you are being helpful
Show what being helpful looks like.
Holding open a door, picking up something someone dropped.
I always tell the truth.
If someone is thinking about how others feel and tries to help, they are…?
Caring, Compassionate, or Thoughtful
Telling someone they can't play with you.
Not kind, because it makes others feel left out
Pretend you are a teacher kindly explaining something to a younger student.
Being patient, using a calm voice.
Rude or Unkind
I think about how others feel and help them.
Caring or Considerate or Thoughtful
If someone is very sad, they might feel…?
Upset or Unhappy
Saying “please” and “thank you.”
Kind, because it shows respect
Act out what a brave person would do if they are scared of the dark.
Taking deep breaths, turning on a light, staying calm.
Responsible or Trustworthy