It describes someone who is funny.
It describes someone who tells the truth and who is likely to do the right thing.
It describes someone who is extremely sad.
"You look like you need a pencil. Take mine." What character trait am I showing?
"Stop teasing my friend and trying to take their lunch away from them." What character trait am I showing?
Bravery, Courageousness
It describes someone who is impolite and doesn't use manners.
It describes someone who is in a slightly angry mood because they are annoyed or are feeling tired.
It describes someone who can do things on their own without help.
Nurses are usually _________________with their patients.
It describes someone who is supportive and helps others reach their goals.
It describes someone who believes in themselves and their abilities.
It describes someone who feels sad for the suffering and wants to help.
"Even though the White Sox lost a lot of games during Spring training, they will do much better during the regular season." What character trait am I showing?
Optimism, Confidence
Sam was playing at his Grandma’s house. He accidently broke a lamp. His big brother told him to hide it. Sam decided to go straight to Grandma and tell her the truth. Which character trait is Sam showing?
Someone who expects things to get better is ______________________.
It describes someone who is wanting to do something very much and not letting anyone or anything stop them.
Michael Phelps was an extremely _________________ athlete. He always tried to win gold medals at swimming competitions and would do anything to achieve them. He worked very hard and practiced every day. What character traits describe him?
ambitious, determined, hardworking,
Kimmie came home late from soccer practice and she was really tired. She knows it is her turn to take out the trash, so she makes sure she does it before she goes to bed. Which character trait am I showing?
Someone who shows great energy and enthusiasm especially because they feel very strongly about it is __________________.
It describes someone who has a strong desire to be successful and willing to do the work it takes to do it.
It describes someone who thinks about how others must feel in a situation.
"You look sad and concerned for your pet. If my puppy was feeling sick, I would feel the same way you did. What character trait describes them?
I like to stay with a task and never give up. Which character trait am I showing?
Perseverance; hard work