What are the two types of character traits?
Internal and External
a. brave b. loud c. shy
Anna is eating chocolate ice cream. After finishing her ice cream cone, she wipes her hands on her dress.
a. messy b. kind c. silly
Simon always comes to school with a smile and he frequently laughs throughout the day. Simon also runs home and hugs his family.
a. annoying b. curious c. joyful
At recess, no one wanted to try the tall new slide so Bree tried it. Later, she saw Andrew being bullied and she told the bully to leave him alone. How would you describe Bree?
good friend
Khloe's mother was very sick, so Khloe made warm chicken soup for her mother. She also made sure that her mother went to the doctor’s office, and that she stayed in bed. The character trait that best describes Khloe is- a. Nice b. Caring c. Mean d. Selfish
What is B
Jamir was very busy last night playing soccer and taking care of his little sister. He was so busy he forgot about his project! The next day, Jamir told his teacher that he would stay afterschool to finish his project. What character trait is Jamir showing?
a. dishonesty b. responsibility c. kindness
“Can I borrow your crayons please?” asked Ken. “No!” screamed Jim. “These are my crayons, get your own!” What character trait is Jim showing? a. Nice b. Trusting c. Selfish d. Happy
What is C.
A group of kids were playing in the backyard and pretending that they were all pirates on a pirate ship. They made a game that had pirates, robbers, and princesses. The kids were showing what character trait? a. Silly b. Creative c. Loyal d. Kind
Ms. Rose tells her students about the best way to do things. She tells them important life stories and gives them advice. What trait describes Ms. Rose? a. Happy b. Nice c. Wise d. Angry
Jada saw the old lady struggling with the heavy bags and she offered to carry them for her.
a. helpful b. brave c. curious
Michael told Gavin, “I want to play that game! If you don’t play with me, I won’t be your friend. And I don’t want you to play with anyone else!”
a. bossy b. bad c. smart
Yanalia doesn’t want to share her markers for the art project, even though everyone else has shared theirs with her.
a. dishonest b. selfish c. quiet
Despite being scared of heights, Ms. Crego went on the ferris wheel with her nephews to make them happy.
a. brave b. selfish c. tired
Maya is polite to everyone and never takes things that do not belong to her. She always listens when the teacher is talking.
a. good b. responsible c. respectful
Makai had studied all night for her upcoming spelling test. She knew how to spell every single word on the list, even the longest word "permissible." When it was time for the spelling test, Makai knew she would make a 100. Is Makai a. confident b. scared c. angry
Sondos wanted to become the school president. Although she lost two years in a row, she never gave up. Sondos worked every day making posters to hang around the school, and practicing her campaign speech. She walked around the school at recess time talking to other kids and asking for their support. Sondos looked forward to Election Day. She wanted to make a difference in her school.
a. good b. mean c. determined.
K'mayah couldn't wait for lunchtime. Her mom had packed her favorite lunch- grilled cheese, fruit snacks, pineapple, and some cookies. As K'mayah sat down in the cafeteria, she noticed the new girl didn't have anything to eat for lunch. K'mayah decided she would share her lunch, and so she handed the new girl a pineapple slice and a cookie.
a. cool b. generous c. smart
Yanalia was in the middle of telling a funny story when her teacher asked him to go stand at the end of the line. "Ms. Crego always picks on me," Yanalia muttered under his breath. "I shouldn't have to listen to her." Yanalia stuck out her tongue when her teacher turned around.
a. rude b. helpful c. nice
What is the difference between an internal character trait and an external character trait?
Internal - inside
External - outside
Rafael was the kind of student who spent every second of every day working as hard as he could. You would never catch him playing around or chatting during school because he was constantly trying to do his best. When other kids had already turned their assignments in, Rafael would still be working hard to finish his to the best of his ability.
a. good b. tired c. hardworking
People always thought McKenzie would be a great detective because she was so ________. She was always reading mystery novels and sneaking around trying to solve any sort of crime or mystery that happened at school or at home. Her dad, on the other hand, didn’t think she would make a career out of her sly ways. Instead, he thought that she was up to no good and just a mischievous young child!
a. sneaky b. rude c. pretty
When David was having trouble with his homework, he would always call upon his best friend, Derrick, for help. Derrick always got all As in school, and he was always researching something in his free time.
a. intelligent b. nice c. tired
Shannon accidentally broke a lamp in the living room. Even though she would get in trouble, she told the truth about what happened.
a. dishonest b. rude c. honest
When Janesa felt discouraged, she would always call her grandmother. Sometimes Janesa felt like there was no way she could get all of her homework done in time, but grandma always told her that she could do anything she put her mind to. Grandma was always on the sidelines of her soccer games, cheering her on and never letting her give up! Grandma is: a. encouraging b. good c. mean