Name that trait!
What is the theme?
Mystery Question!

True or false: character traits can be physical and internal (inside)

False - they are only INSIDE 


What does "theme" mean?

Theme is the message or lesson of a story.


"Cannonball!" Nathan yelled. Suddenly, Lisa, her towel, and the magazine she was reading were soaking wet. She picked up her soggy belongings and stomped off toward the shore.

Where was Lisa? What makes you think so?

Lisa was at the beach. Cannonball, towel, soaking wet, shore


Sort this list of character traits into positive and negative traits







negative: unorganized, lazy, judgmental

positive: calm, tidy, cheerful


Charles wanted to do well on his test so he packed up his books and headed to the library for a long day of uninterrupted studying.

The character trait that BEST describes Charles is...

1. boring

2. serious

3. unmotivated

4. proud



Which gives the best description of theme:

1. The theme is what the author is telling you about the character

2. The theme is a summary of the events that happened in the passage

3. The theme is implied and not stated, you have to use evidence from the passage to identify the theme. It's the underlying message.

The theme is implied and not stated, you have to use evidence from the passage to identify the theme. It's the underlying message.


Michael liked the first pair better, but they were a little uncomfortable. The second pair wasn't as cool, but they fit much better. He decided to buy the second pair because he would be wearing them nearly every day. 

What was Michael buying? What makes you think so?

Michael is buying shoes. pairs, wearing every day


"Well, what do you think?" Brittanis asked. "Wow, it's really short! You look like a whole different person," Jenna replied. "I wanted something really different. I've had the same style my whole life."

What are Brittanis and Jenna talking about? How do you know?

Britta and Jenna are talking about Britta's new haircut. it's short, same style


Melissa loved being around her baby cousin. She always made sure that he had all of the toys and snacks that he needed. She played with him and made sure that he was happy. As soon as her cousin started to cry, she would hop up and get whatever he needed. She always wanted him to be happy.

The character trait that BEST describes Melissa is...

1. silly

2. happy

3. responsible

4. obedient



Which of the following could be a theme for "Beauty and the Beast"?

1. Why you shouldn't go into scary mansions.

2. Animal abuse is wrong.

3. Don't judge someone based on their appearance.

4. Belle falls in love with a beast.

Animal abuse is wrong.


Tina wrinkled her nose as soon as she opened the door. It always smelled awful in there. She looked around to make sure the place was empty. When she was sure they were all outside, she went from nest to nest, filling her basket with eggs.

Where was Tina? How do you know? 

Tina was in a chicken coop. smelled bad, nests, eggs


Edward cleaned his room, mowed the lawn, and built a bookcase all in one day.

Name one character trait that describes Edward and give evidence about why that trait is a good one.

Answers will vary


Grant never wants to share his things. When his friends come over, he will only let them play with the toys that he does not want to play with. He does not ever give his friends a chance to use his things or share any of his snacks or treats. If someone tries to share his things, he throws a fit and takes all of his things and goes home.

The character trait that BEST describes Grant is...

1. friendly

2. mean

3. selfish

4. dishonest



Lucy was walking home from the bus stop. She noticed Alex walking in front of her. Without knowing, he dropped a $20 out of his pocket. Lucy picked it up and thought of all the cool things she could buy with the money, but she also realized how guilty she would feel if she spent his money. She gave Alex the money back. He was so thankful that he invited Lucy to his house for ice cream.

Write down a theme for this story. 

You will be rewarded with kindness.

Honesty is the best policy.


Fred swam around in circles. Then he noticed some food floating nearby, so he ate it. After that, he hid in his castle for a while. Then he came out and swam around in circles some more.

What is Fred? Where does Fred live? How do you know?

Fred is a fish. He lives in a fish tank. swimming, food floating, castle


When Sally opened the gift from her grandma she knew instantly she didn't like it. The necklace was ugly. She didn't want to hurt her grandma's feelings so she gave her grandma a hug and told her thanks. Later, Sally threw the necklace away not knowing that her grandma saw her do it. When Sally said goodbye to grandma she thanked her again for the necklace. Her grandma was sad even though Sally didn't know why. Which answer choice could be a theme for this passage?

What is the BEST theme for this passage?

1. If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all.

2. Being kind is better than being popular.

3. It's rude to throw away gifts people give you.

4. Actions are more powerful than words.

Actions are more powerful than words.


Hannah worked on the project every night after school, and she even passed up a trip to the big city with friends, just so she could continue to work on her project. 

A character trait to describe Hannah is...

1. determined

2. reckless

3. lazy

4. obedient

