Historical Contexts
Institutional Examples
Microaggressions/ Language

Which WSC trait is being described?

Things are either/or, good/bad, right/wrong, with us/against us

Either/Or Thinking

Which historical era in the United States, characterized by strict segregation and discrimination against Black Americans, reflects a lack of appreciation for their work and achievements, perpetuating the trait of perfectionism?

The Jim Crow era-- where little appreciation was expressed for the work of African Americans, and criticism was common without direct communication


Using standardized tests as the sole measure of student success perpetuates which white supremacy culture trait?

Quantity over quality


What term refers to subtle, often unintentional, discriminatory remarks or actions directed at a marginalized groups?



Providing regular opportunities for staff to express appreciation for each other's work is an example of disrupting WHICH WSC trait?

Disrupting the trait of perfectionism


Which WSC trait is being described below?

Decision-making is clear to those with power and unclear to those without it



Which Supreme Court case, legalizing racial segregation under the doctrine of "separate but equal," reinforced a sense of perfectionism by perpetuating the idea of racial hierarchy and either/or thinking?

Plessy v. Ferguson


Punishing students for expressing emotions or dissent reflects which white supremacy culture trait?

Right to comfort


When a teacher repeatedly mispronounces a student's name and dismisses their correction, it demonstrates which form of microaggression, perpetuates a culture where defensiveness prevents addressing systemic issues?

Invalidation (Defensiveness)


Implementing restorative justice practices instead of punitive discipline measures in schools is an example of disrupting WHICH WSC trait?

Disrupting the trait of defensiveness


Which WSC trait is being described below?

Things that can be measured are more highly valued than things that cannot, for example number of people attending a meeting, newsletter circulation, etc. 

Quality Over Quantity


During which historical period in the United States were emotions often dismissed as irrational and destructive, contributing to a culture of defensiveness and resistance to social change?

The Victorian era, where emotional expression, particularly among women, was often suppressed and deemed inappropriate


A university's refusal to acknowledge and address incidents of racial discrimination among students demonstrates which white supremacy culture trait?

Fear of open conflict


Using phrases like "you're so articulate" when speaking to a person of color can be an example of which type of microaggression, perpetuating a culture where compliments reinforce dominant power structures?

Racialized praise (Power Hoarding)


Incorporating diverse perspectives and voices into decision-making processes within educational institutions is an example of disrupting WHICH WSC trait?

Disrupting the trait of power hoarding


Which WSC trait is being described below?

Emphasis on being polite

Fear of open conflict


What historical event, occurring in the 20th century, saw the rise of white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, perpetuating a culture of fear of open conflict and resistance to addressing systemic racism?

The Civil Rights Movement


Prioritizing the completion of administrative tasks over providing emotional support to students showcases which white supremacy culture trait?

Sense of urgency


Asking a student of Asian descent, "Where are you really from?" implies they are not truly American, reflecting which type of microaggression, perpetuating a culture where individuals are seen as outsiders based on stereotypes?

Alienation (Either/Or Thinking)


Creating affinity groups and support networks for marginalized students to foster a sense of belonging and empowerment is an example of disrupting WHICH WSC trait?

Disrupting the trait of individualism?


What WSC trait is being described below?

The internalization that I or we are entitled to comfort, means we cannot tolerate conflict, particularly open conflict. 

Right to Comfort


What historical practice enforced a belief in the "right to comfort" by suppressing emotional dissent, marginalizing indigenous populations, and ignoring their discomfort?



Holding students to rigid dress code standards that disproportionately affect marginalized groups illustrates which white supremacy culture trait?



Referring to a group of mixed-race students as "mutts" perpetuates which type of microaggression, reflecting a culture where individuals believe there is only one right way to do things and resist alternative perspectives?

What is dehumanization or animalization, reflecting the trait of either/or thinking in white supremacy culture?


Hosting workshops to promote active listening and constructive feedback among staff members is an example of disrupting WHICH WSC trait?

 Disrupting the trait of defensiveness
