what does maw maw mean
what does charlie do when she sleepy
slush hugs her
what is her favorite color
true or false: does charlie likes trees
at school did she get bulled because she short
what does mlah mlah mean
what does slush do when charlie sleeping
shake her
what is charlie favorite family memder
true or false: does charlie like kiwi
did she get pick at school because she has friends
slush yaw yaw
what does slush do when i take a shower
he stands outside the door intell i leave
what is charlie favorite toy
fluffy ones
true or false: does charlie likes memes
no they creepy
does charlie like home
duh yeah
what does blalala mean
what does slush do when im sick
he makes food and gives me medicen
what is charlie favorite iphone
apple 11
true or false: does charlie like the phone
does charlie like to be with family
yes she tells everyone about what happen at school
what does namala mean
what does slush do when she full
he puts me on her on his back and wait intell im not full so i can finsh dinner
what is charlie favorite state name as many as you want
nevada,new york,hawii,and washting
true or false: does charlie like rich people
no because they bragg
does charlie like school
not really